I'll Explain Now

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The hell is happening hear? I rose a brow then shrugged, passing the Chinese and woman in red with Grell. To a empty room with pale walls that had slight grey and blue decor. I gave a soft smile and set the suitcase on the bed. I won't unpack I'll just grab what I need from my suitcase when I need it. I looked over my clothes making sure no blood had gotten on me then made my way down stairs.

"Their you are!"

I tilted my head to the side as Ceil motioned me forward I obeyed and stood next to the child.

"Yes Lord Ciel?"

"Will be off tomorrow, you do as you please."

I smiled.

"Then how about I make dinner tonight?"

He gave a smile and nodded.


The raven did a curt bow and pushed the cart and walked next to me.

"It seems you and the lord are rather close."

"Is that jealousy or an attitude."

He clicked his tongue as I gave a smirk and pulled my bangs behind my ears.

"I'll be in the kitchen, oh and do you think Ciel would like a Japanese dish?"

He rose a brow then shrugged I sighed and decided it would be best to change clothes. Especially since this sleeve might get in the way while cooking.

"I'll be in the kitchen in a bit, I need to change."

I simply left before he could reply. Maybe some pajamas? Or is that to indecent? I'll just change to more...normal? Clothes. I hummed as I went up the spiral casing and into the guest room. I could wear my work uniform but Ciel said dress casual. I hummed again the saw one of my older dresses from when I was younger. The fabric was moved and delicate reminded me of my youth from the days when things were actually good but it is pretty short I guess I could just try it on and see if it still fits...and if so, then I may as well wear it. The sleeves are short which will be good for cooking.I gave some smiles sleeping on the fabric it seemed really cool and it was nice I guess I could wear this. I found some stockings and pulled them up then got my usual black boots and slip them on I undid the Ponytail in quickly put my hair up into a messy bun. I didn't really care about the leftover make up so I just left it on debating to take it off once I go to sleep.

Satisfied with what I was wearing I simply walked out close the door

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Satisfied with what I was wearing I simply walked out close the door. Then went down the spiral casing and found the kitchen, the raven was there making something. I wasn't sure exactly what it was, but I noticed he has a strange glow about his eyes they were a pink instead of the usual red. I simply ignored him and turn to the fridge taking out a few ingredients wondering if the Lord would be all right with some simple Ramen from Japan. Well the room is not really simple more like...how do I put this it has a lot of ingredients but not really, now that I think about it, maybe I could do the traditional style? I simply shrugged and did a mental sigh has I prepared ingredients for today's dinner even though it might be a bit late.


I yawned and pulled my arms up. Night time everyone liked the food. I smiled and chuckled at the look raven had. I closed my door and locked it then slipped on my nightgown and robe.

I set the slippers next to my bed and made sure my nightgown wasn't caught in my underwear

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I set the slippers next to my bed and made sure my nightgown wasn't caught in my underwear. I undid the ponytail and brushed the dark brown hair and put some water in it to take out the curls. After that was done I slipped into bed.

A knock sounded but it wasn't to me door. But in the window. I raised a brow and slipped on the furry slippers then walked to the noise. The raven window, I raised a brow and chuckled as I made my way outside. A hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me up.

"Hello love."

He gave a smile and leaned on the railing pulling me between his legs.


I smiled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"Forever remember I won't be going anywhere."

He chuckled as he seemed to perk up and smile widely. I simply ran a hand over his bangs and pushing them away from his face.

"Im going to explain."

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