Axel/ Meeting's at the Estate

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Sorry kinda messed up his eye(red one) and I'm still learning to draw tears. 😅

"What do you mean?"

I shrugged and gave a smile. The boy sighed as the butler gave a curious look.

"Okay you start today, you will be a live in maid and-"

"Oh one more thing."

He seemed irked as I cut him off. He gave an annoyed look.


"My son must stay with me if I were to live hear. I'm not letting Grell Handel him twenty four seven."


Suddenly the door slammed open. Grell huffing and finally making her way to the floor. My son Axel running up crying as he jumped into my lap.

"Mamwa don't leawve me!"

He cried, I gave a smile and wrapped my arms around the boy and ran a hand through his long brown hair.

"Who told you I was going to leave you? Mama would never do that."

He rubbed his nose and stared at me with his mix matched eyes.


I smiled and placed a kiss onto his four head.


He rubbed his tears then buried his face into my chest I chuckled and looked to Grell.

"What happened?"

She was dusting her self off and sighed.

"I told him you wear leaving for a bit and that will see you in an hour. He then asked where you were. After I told him and ran off to hear, Thorn he's so hyper!"

I chuckled as he pouted at Grell he had fists full of my hair. Thank hell I have long hair.

"Mamwa Auntie Grell is a mweanie!!"

I rose a brow.

"Oh~ how is Auntie a mweanie?"

He puffed his cheeks as I teased him.

"Grell go ahead and get to work, I'll visit you all later. And I'll quit my other job too."

Her eyes widened but did a happy clap and bounded off.

"Bye bye Dearie~"

I chuckled as Axel seemed to look at the boy and raven. He pointed at the raven.

"Rawen Dwemon!"

Then pointed towards the boy.

"Rawen Dwemons food or pwet!"

Their eyes widened as I chuckled at my son.

"Sweetheart it's rude to point."

He looked to me with round eyes.

"Sowey Mamwa."

I smiled and placed a kiss to his head.

"Anyways this is my Son Axel, as I said I will not leave him to Grell. So either you allow him, and he will sleep in my quarters, or I walk away."

The boy looked to me then to the butler.

"Alright Thorn you both may live in the estate Sebastian show them to their rooms."

The raven bowed as I stood with Axel at my hip.

"Oh and one more thing, who are you?"

I looked to the boy, he seemed surprised with my question but answered anyways.

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