They stayed there, Destiny was leaning her head on his chest as they waited. "Why did we run?" she whispers. "That was my mother, if she sees me with you, we're dead meat" Greyson says, leading her out slowly. "Embarrassed to be seen with me gothel?" she teases. "Not embarrassed, concerned, more for you than me" He shrugs, still holding her hand. "Why?" Destiny questions. "She'd interrogate you, threaten you, try to get you to take her to auradon, she's a crazy woman I tell you" Greyson says. "I can handle her" Destiny smirks confidently. "Princess, you couldn't get away from me, you have no chance with her" Greyson smiles. "What makes you think I wanted to get away from you?" She asks. "ask the bruise on my leg" he replies simply. Destinys face turns from a happy to concerned. "Oh gosh yeah, is that okay?" she asks, honestly. She really did care for him, even after this short amount of time. Greyson laughed slightly "I'm fine, honestly"
They got back through the window and destiny was already falling asleep. "What time is it" she questions, laying down on the bed. "Four" Greyson says simply. "Ugh" she complains, rolling over. "Go to sleep then" Greyson smiles. "What do you think I'm trying to do" She smirks, glaring at him slightly. "Okay, chill" Greyson held his hands up. She giggled slightly. "Are you going to sleep?" she asks. "Probably, I'll sleep on the floor" he shrugs. "Seriously, there's half a bed here and you choose the floor, youre weirder than I thought"
Eventually, Greyson fell asleep next to destiny. He had never been a great sleeper, nightmares and shouting often kept him awake. When his father was around, all that could be heard was arguing. Greyson covered his younger sisters ears as she slept, so at least one of them could sleep peacefully. Then the abuse began. It started with his mother, then him. Their father never hit Gigi, but she saw it happening. It scared them all the time. Soon he left, disappearing into the shadows within the unknown part of the isle. Greyson never tried to associate himself with him, as far as he saw his family, it was just him, his mother and Gigi. Thats all he thought it would ever be, no lovers, no feelings, no leaving.
Then the nightmares began. He shook himself away, his breathing quickening. The movement of the bed awoke destiny. She turned around, confused, then she saw the terror on Greyson face. "Grey...Greyson...are you okay?" she asks, holding his hand. "Yeah, yeah, it's nothing" he muttered. Destiny gave him that look, the look that told him so didn't believe him. "Fine" and then it all spilled out. Memory after memory, tear after tear, pain after pain, nightmare after nightmare. Destiny listened. Greyson spoke. She didn't have to say anything, just being there and letting him talk was enough. The room fell silent. Destiny opened her mouth to answer but the shout of Uma echoed into the room. "Greyson! I need to speak to you!" She called. "I best go" he sighed, standing up. "Is this goodbye?" she asks, not wanting it to be. "Not yet" was all he said before leaving. And then it set it, she was going have to say goodbye too him.
After sitting and reflecting, Destiny pulled herself together. She was going home. She was going back to her family. Back to her friends. Back to her normal life. This was like a little dream, a story to tell in the future, but nothing serious. Greyson was just another boy to write a song about was the conclusion she came too. Until he came back into her sights.
"They should be here in an hour" he says. "Are we not going out to wait?" she asks. "Sort of" and then he led her out. They were looking out onto the ship, hidden but they could see all that was going on. Greyson was pacing back and forth, destiny sat on an old crate of some sort. "This is boring" She pouted, crossing her arms. "What do you mean?" he asks, stopping in front of her. "Ben gets to be there, seeing all the action, I have to sit here" she elaborates. "I'm trying to protect you! If you're here then there's less chance of you getting pushed off the edge!" Greyson exclaims. "So you do care?" she smiled, letting herself get attached which she planned not to do. "I've cared since the moment we first spoke princess" he smiles. Destiny just looks at him, she didnt want this to be goodbye. "I don't want this to be goodbye" she says honestly. "You could always stay here with me" he suggests, smirking slightly. Destiny just rolls her eyes, then gils voice filled the air "They're here"
Destiny stood up, refusing to take Greyson's hand. "And this is it" He says. "Shut up you" she mutters as they walk onto the plank. And then they became the destiny the vks knew, and the Greyson the pirates knew. The destiny and Greyson who didn't speak. The destiny and Greyson who argued. The destiny and Greyson who didn't care for eachother. The Greyson who seemed heartless and evil. The destiny who was annoying but everyone loved her. The Greyson who didn't fall for anyone, let alone love someone. The destiny who never wanted to fall for someone, she was scared. The destiny and Greyson who didn't know each other, let alone have feelings for each other.
As uma ordered for them to be brought over, they shared one last smile. It was a silently sad moment, they didnt even say a proper goodbye. Still, Greyson let her leave, walking along, being pushed by harry, towards where she belonged. He belonged here and she belonged there.He was a villain, she was a princess. She was good, he was bad. She had a good future, he didn't. That's all that could ever be, or so they thought.

Fanfiction"I know you are so much more than a villain Grey. I-" "Destiny" "Shut up you" Destiny is the daughter of doc. She thought her life pretty normal, for an auradon girl, until she ended up taking a trip to the isle. There was many things she wanted t...