"All right I'm here what do you want" Destiny announces, walking into Bens office. "What a nice way to enter the room" Mal rolls her eyes. "I'm missing my favourite class for this so It better be good" Destiny sighs. When she took a proper look around the room she saw Evie, Jay, Carlos and of course Mal and ben. "Why am I here?" Destiny narrows her eyes at ben. "They want to propose a big idea, so they have to present it to me and my royal advisor" Ben says. Destiny looks around. "So who's this royal advisor and why am I here?" she asks, waving her hand around signifying there was nobody else here. "Funny you should ask that" ben says, scratching the back of his neck. "Just sit there" Carlos softly pushes destiny to her seat. Everything connected in Destinys head. "I'm the royal advisor aren't I" she smiles. Ben just nods trying to deviate his attention to the people before him. "Ooo I feel all important, do I get the power to say no? Can I order them to go away? Do I actually have power?" "Destiny shut up and let me talk"
"We want to propose that we create something called Vk day. Us four, and you if you'd like, would go to the isle and bring kids with us to auradon, like we originally did" Mal starts. Destiny nods, a smile planting itself on her face. "We want to do this so the kids on this isle can have a chance like us" Evie continues. "It would start with four, like us and to keep it manageable" Carlos adds. "But we want to continue it, giving everyone a chance" Jay finishes. Destiny already had her answer, granted she didn't know this worked but she knew what she thought. "I think it sounds amazing. When I was there, with Greyson, he told me about all of the little children who just dream of being princesses and getting off of the isle" she smiles, speaking before ben expected her to. "I agree with destiny, I think it's something we could work out" Ben says. All four of the vks faces lit up. Destiny zones out as they talked details. When she came back into reality, they had left.
"So" she smirked, leaning back in her chair "Explain this royal advisor thing." Ben nodded, knowing he probably should have told her. "So before I became king I was speaking with mom dad and fairy godmother and they were saying I needed a royal advisor. I knew I wanted you to be it, but we all agreed you would do better if we didn't tell you. Technically you didn't need to know, so we didn't tell you" he explains. Destiny nodded, she wasn't fussed, she liked how ben trusted her with such a big responsibility. "So what have I actually done? Without knowing" she asked. "Well, remember how I told you my first official proclamation before i told anyone else?" He asks. Destiny nods, smiling slightly. "That was one, then you helping me welcome them, whether you were nice or not." Destiny giggled, she wasn't the most welcoming to the new vks, especially evie. She only truly warmed up when she saw how happy evie made Doug, it made her happy to see the people she loved happy. "Then when you helped organise family day, coronation, cotillion, that was all royal advisor things" ben finishes. "Wow, i'm a good royal advisor" she nods her head, giggling.
"Wait, do I have power to get people kicked out of the school?" she asked, trying to hide her smirk. "No, you don't, you get a say but you can't just kick them out" Ben says, it was true. "Do I have the power to get people kicked out of the country?" She asks. "Technically, you probably could" Ben shrugs. Destiny nodded and a smirk planted itself on her lips. "So, Chad Charming, any plans for him to take a little vacation to I don't know.....the isle?" she asks. "You are not kicking chad out of the country destiny, dont you have class?" Ben asks as she stands up. "I have lunch now, but I don't want to miss it, thanks for telling me-" she starts before they hear a knock at the door. "Come in?" Ben calls. In walked Destinys chemistry teacher. Her smirk remained on her face, growing slightly. "Oh destiny, how lovely to see you" he says, clearly being sarcastic. "I have another point to discuss with you at a later date, i'll see you later" she smiles at ben, walking out without acknowledging him. She walked out with a smirk on her face her head held high, she had something else she could use against chad.
"So why weren't you in drama?" Riley asks as they ate. "ben made me go to a meeting, I learnt some very valuable information" Destiny smirked. "Which was?" Riley asks, she was a very curious girl. "I'm ben's royal advisor" she says proudly, conviniently as chad wandered past. "Wait what did you just say?" He asks. "Oh nothing, just i'm bens royal advisor so it makes me better than you" she shrugs. Chad just rolls his eyes. "I wouldn't be rude to me in chemistry anymore if I were you" she smiles innocently. "Why? You gonna get me kicked out?" he teases. "I could if I really wanted" she shrugs. "Now go away" she waves her hand mockingly. Chad grumbles something and walks away. "I really do love annoying people"

Fanfiction"I know you are so much more than a villain Grey. I-" "Destiny" "Shut up you" Destiny is the daughter of doc. She thought her life pretty normal, for an auradon girl, until she ended up taking a trip to the isle. There was many things she wanted t...