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Destiny didn't talk to him. She faced her back to him, folding her arms and staring out the small window. All she could see was water, and a small corner of auradon. It just made her want to leave more, but at the same time she wanted to get to know this boy who sat behind her. But if she did, he could just use her to his advantage, which wouldn't be good. "You know, you have to talk to me if you want me to take you out, princess" Greyson stated simply. "I'm not a princess"Destiny glares, turning around slowly. "You havent told me your parents so I have no choice but to make an assumption" He shrugs. "My dad is doc" She says. Greyson wanted to laugh, so he bit his tongue to prevent it. "Your father, is a dwarf?" He asks, trying to keep his giggles inside. "Yes, are you going to tell me yours or not" Destiny grew impatient. "Mother gothel" he shrugs. "Figures" Destiny says, looking him up and down. "Eyes up here sweetheart, I know we match but" he smirks. "I hate you" Destiny shook her head, a small smile creeping onto her face "Besides, I would never choose to wear this, Blue put me in it." Greyson gave her a confused look. "Who's blue?" He asks. "Oh right, Evie" She says. Greyson laughs. "Bet you didn't take kindly to her when she first came to join your school" He states. "No, in fact I was lovely to her" Destiny lies, giggling slightly. "Darling, I haven't known you long but even I know that's a lie" Greyson smiles. "Worth a shot" 

The pair talked, almost none stop. It wasn't a villain and a princess talking. It was two normal people talking. Enjoying each others company, getting to know one another. Laughing, teasing, joking, smiling. 

"So, tell me, what is your plan for the future?" Destiny asked. She rolled over, laying on her stomach and resting her head on her hands. "I'm not one of those kids who wanted to get of the isle, I just want to teach kids how to live a good life on the isle, how to protect themselves, how to stay healthy, that sort of thing" He says, slightly embarrassed. He had only told one other person this, and they had just laughed in his face. Destiny was different. She was different to anyone he had ever met. He was still wary of her reaction. Her face softened from a smirk into a genuine smile. "Aww" she cooed "Who knew Greyson Gothel was such a softie." Greyson rolled his eyes playfully. "Honey, you didn't know me twelve hours ago" he smiles. "Yeah, but now I know all about you" she grins triumphantly. "And I know all about you, so tell me, what are your plans for the future?" he reverses the question back on her. "You think I have a plan" she laughs. Destiny never ever had a plan, she winged almost every single thing she did in her life. And everything had turned out good, or at least had a silver lining. Even being kidnapped had a silver lining. 

They talked for hours, I mean hours. It was nearing midnight and they still were talking. They both lay on the small bed. Greyson lay on his side, head propped up on an arm, looking into Destinys eyes. She mirrored his position, their feet tangled together. "Tell me something I don't know, that not many people know" Greyson smiled. Destiny thought and Greyson noticed the facial expression she made when thinking. She bit her tongue, the slightest bit poking out of her lips, she looked off to the left, not really looking at anything, just thinking. "I play the piano and write my own songs" she shrugged, as if it was nothing. "Sing me something" Greyson smirked. "I cant, I don't have music" she tried to avoid it, not many people and heard something she had wrote. "it doesn't matter" Greyson says, believing in her. So, with a supportive smile from Greyson, she began to sing. 

I found a guy, told me I was a star
He held the door held my hand in the dark
And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face
Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved

And there's one more boy, he's from my past

We fell in love but it didn't last
'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away
And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you

All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
But shouldn't that be enough for me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh

And I miss the days

When I was young and naive
I thought the perfect guy would come and find me
Now happy ever after it don't come so easily 

All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me, oh
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
And all I want is for that to be okay

Greyson watched, pure admiration in his eyes. She had raw talent. As she finished, she gave him a nervous look. "You're so talented destiny, seriously" he smiled. "Thanks, you're the first person to hear that" she says. "I see it as a pleasure" he smirks "When you're famous, remember me, the boy who sat and talked with you all night and the first person to hear that song." Destiny turned to the window and saw nothing but darkness. "It's night time?" she asks. Greyson just nodded. Destiny smiled, she had always wanted to stay up all night talking to someone. It partly came true, within an hour she had fallen asleep, Greyson laying there in silence until he got an idea. 

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