The party had come to an end and destiny headed towards the shore. She sat down on the sand, feeling as it wiggled its way in between her toes. She gazed out over the water, over onto the isle. She could see the beach she sat at with Greyson in the far distance, not being able to work out any detail. Feeling ready, she pulled the letter from her bag. The front just read 'destiny' and was folded, as if it was a rushed job. With butterflies in her stomach, she unfolded it. The first two words put a smile on her face.
Hey princess,
So I know you're probably thinking 'shut up you' as you're trying to forget about me but it isn't that easy. I just found the perfect opportunity to get a message to you, so I took it. I just wanted to thank you properly. Thank you for actually believing in me, it's not very common on the isle. You actually made me feel wanted, not just keeping me around because I was useful. I really enjoyed your company, it was nice to be my true self with someone. I hope this gets to you, I just wanted to tell you this. I really hope our paths crossing wasn't just a coincidence and that i'll see you again soon. If we don't, then this is a proper goodbye. I know neither of us wanted to say it and it's much easier to write, but it still hurts. If this really is it, Goodbye destiny.
Love Greyson, or gothel as you preferably call me <3
Destiny smiled as she read it. He really did care. It wasn't just an act. This made her whole situation even harder. He knew her so well, he knew she wanted to get him out of her head. But she couldn't. Not after that. So she took to her only way of sorting out her feelings, song writing. Naturally she always carried a small notebook, and she began. She poured out her heart, her true feelings which she was trying to hide now written down in word form.
The song if you want to listen, I changed a few lyrics to make it fit destiny and Greyson <3
Not long ago when I saw you there
With your brown eyed grin and your messy hair
And every girl on the isle was looking at you
I wonder what I'd say if I knew back then
That the brown eyed boy'd be my best friend
And the one I'd give my heart to (ooh, ooh, ooh)
Now everything reminds me of you
Your letter etched in my head its true
And if I hate someone you'll hate them too
As long as I'm your darling angel
I don't need anything in the world
'Cause I feel like the luckiest every second that I could be your girl
I wanna do everything with you
Take the highs, I'll take the lows
I'll keep you close
Give you the most, oh baby
I like you so much it's kinda gross
Yeah, I like you so much it's kinda gross
Hiding in the alleys, I feel all grown up
Is it me or does it feel more than high school love?
Not gonna lie, your last name sounds so ni-i-i-ce
I love when you complain about things like water
Love when you're tired, baby I like all of it
Honestly I can't believe you could be mi-i-i-ineI bring you up in every conversation
I wanna see you again I gotta be patient
But I know I want my life to have you in it
Ooh, and as long as I'm your darling angel
I don't need anything in the world
'Cause I feel like the luckiest every second that I could be your girl
I wanna do everything with you
Take the highs, I'll take the lows
I'll keep you close
Give you the most, oh baby
I like you so much it's kinda gross
Yeah, I like you so much it's kinda grossWhen she reread her thoughts, her feelings were clear. She had fallen for him. She had fallen for someone, something she was scared of doing. But it had happened. And this one was going to hurt her the most. He was on one side of the barrier, she was on the other. How could it work. She only had one idea. So she did it, writing him a letter back.
Hey Gothel,
I couldn't just leave it like this, so I persuaded ben to send this to you, or am going to, hasn't happened yet. I should be the one thanking you. You showed me the isle, despite the fact you probably would have gotten into trouble if we got caught. You made me realise that not everybody from the isle is horrible. And you were right, I did try to push you to the back of my mind, but clearly it didn't work. You made me feel something, something I haven't felt in years. But I doubt it matters now. But anyways, I wanted to give you a proper goodbye. I don't want it to be, but I guess we have to face facts. I hope our paths do cross again, but if this is truly it I want you to know that I really did have an amazing night with you. I will always think of you whenever somebody calls me princess, it will bring back good memories of the brown eyed boy I met on the isle. So here it comes, two words I don't want to have to say, they aren't any easier to write than they would be to say. Goodbye Greyson,
Love destiny, or in your eyes, princess <3
She contemplated sending his a copy of the song, but decided against it. Still, she found a version of wondering and decided to send him that. He did say he wanted to hear more of her music, reading it was they best they could have. So she wrote a message on the back and held it with her letter.
Destiny left the beach, heading to find an envelope. She went to bens office where he was, surpirsingly. "Destiny?" he asks as she walks in. "hey, do you have an envelope?" she asks. "Why are you up so late?" Ben asks, handing her one. "I could ask you the same question" she smiled, putting her letter, and the song. "But I need a favour, could you get this sent to the isle? Please, I just need to say goodbye" she smiled. Ben couldnt resister he puppy dog eyes. "Fine, i'll get it sent tomorrow morning, if you go and get some sleep" Ben says. "Okay! Thank you! you're the best!" she called, walking out with the biggest grin on her face. Ben smiled, he knew destiny and greyson had something, he just didn't know what it was.

Fanfiction"I know you are so much more than a villain Grey. I-" "Destiny" "Shut up you" Destiny is the daughter of doc. She thought her life pretty normal, for an auradon girl, until she ended up taking a trip to the isle. There was many things she wanted t...