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Her head had barely hit her pillow for five hours when Riley awoke her. "What do you want?" she complains, rolling over. "Come on, you have something to tell me, and then we have somewhere to go" Riley says, pulling the pillow from atop her best friends head. "What are you talking about? Absolutely nothing has happened since we last spoke" Destiny lied. "Where's the letter then?" She smirks. "Fine" Destiny sighs, sitting up. "So it was from Greyson" Riley starts. "Yes" Destiny says, slightly confused at how she knew. "It basically just said goodbye" she shrugs. "And what did you write back?" Riley asks eagerly.  "How do you know I wrote back?" She asks. "It would have been rude not ben came round this morning and told me your later was posted" Riley smiles. "I just replied to what he said" she mumbles, looking down at her bed. "Boring" Riley singsonged. Destiny didn't mention the song, it was staying hidden in her notebook. 

"Get ready, we are going into town today" Riley smiles, throwing an outfit she had picked out at destiny. "Why?" Destiny whines. "Because there's a fortuneteller in town" Riley grins, she had always wanted her fortune telling. "I'll come but if you try to get me in there" Destiny muttered, walking to the bathroom to change. She wore a simple red dress which fell just below her knees and tied her hair up in a high ponytail. "Makeup or not" she asked, walking out into the room. "Not" Riley shrugged. Destiny was beautiful with and without makeup, she didn't need it. Destiny nodded, grabbed her bag and followed Riley out of the room. 

As they walked towards the exit of the school, ben caught up to them. "Destiny!" he called. She and Riley span around and a smile was planted on destiny gave them she saw what was in his hand. "I'll be back in a sec" she mutters, walking towards the king. "When the guards were delivering evies letter to dizzy, Greyson must have snuck this into one of their bags" Ben hands it to her. Destiny plays with it in her hand, smiling down at it. Then she realised something, and ben saw the realisation clear on her face. "And if you are going to ask me if you can send him one back, you can, Evie and dizzy have a schedule thing, it wouldn't kill the guards to deliver and pick up an extra one" Ben smiles. Destiny grins, leaning up and wrapping her arms around him. "Thank you" she smiles honestly. To ben it was nothing, she risked her life to bring back his girlfriend, letting her speak to Greyson wasn't such a big deal in the long run. Or so he thought. 

"What was that about?" Riley asks. "Greyson sent another letter, ben says it can become a regular thing" Destiny shrugs. She barely finished before Riley let out a squeal. "I can already picture your kids" she squeals. "Riles! We are sixteen!" Destiny exclaims. "I didn't specify when, just said I can picture them" she shrugs. "You are hard work" Destiny sighs. "Like you aren't"

They arrive in town and at the fortune tellers booth. To destiny, it looked sketchy, but to Riley it looked fabulous. It was in the middle of the market which took place every sunday, but in a corner. It was a tent, shimmering purple fabric with blue light doors. They lifted and twisted with each blow of the wind. Inside sat a woman, who really was a fortune teller. Perks of living in Auradon, you get serious fortune tellers. Still, destiny had never believed in them. She always thought it was just a way to get money, she had never bothered actually visiting one, clearly not knowing her opinion would change. But she came along for Riley. Riley loved the idea of it, being told what was going to happen in the future, it sounded great. It didn't seem scary or pointless to her, it was almost like magic. But would she really be Riley fitzherbet if she didn't have a little trick up her sleeve?

"Please just come in with me?" Riley played innocent. So, destiny wandered in with her. "Hello ladies, what can I do for you today?" the kind woman sat at the desk asked. Riley pushed her best friend into the chair before her with a smirk. "She would like you to tell her the first words she will say to her soulmate" She reads from the board. "She's kinda shy" She whispers, which was clearly a lie. Destiny had never been shy in her life, she wasn't afraid of many things. Only things that could cause pain mentally seemed scary to her. Destiny rolls her eyes but the woman had already nodded, plus she was intrigued as she often was. Riley gave destiny a supportive smile and headed to wait outside, she was also deciding what she wanted doing as she had many things on her mind. 

The woman took destiny hands with a smile. "Close your eyes darling" she smiled, and destiny obliged, despite the fact she thought this was all rubbish. "I'm getting some words" the woman smiled, though her smile soon dropped. "I'm getting...'I wasn't talking to you, now get off me' " the woman frowned. However, a smile planted itself on destinys face. "I can recheck if you'd like" she asked, concerned. Destiny shook her head, she had heard enough. She knew more than she came in with, whether it was the truth or not, but it seemed serious. Destiny stood up, picking her bag up from beside the chair.  "How much do I owe you?" She asked, now her opinion on this whole thing was beginning to change.  "It's on the house" the woman kindly smiled. "Thank you" Destiny smiled honestly, giving her a small wave as she walked out. Riley grinned before walking in. As destiny gazed out over the town two words escaped her lips. "Greyson Gothel"                                                                                                                                        

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