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The fight broke out. Greyson didn't seem to involve himself, much like destiny. Destiny scanned the crowd and noticed someone she loved. Riley. She shook her head smiling, really really did care for her. "Gothel!" A slightly evil smirk crossed her face. "I'm not going to fight you" Greyson shook his head, he knew he could hurt her. He could have easily fought her and won, making the pirate team have an advantage. But he knew that by hurting Riley, he would be hurting destiny. "You're no fun" She rolled her eyes, clashing swords with a nearby pirate. "Guess not" he shrugged, weaving his way through the crowd to exit the scene. "Destiny go!" Jay shouted, pushing her slightly towards the tunnel. She nodded, making her way there, but she couldn't leave without doing one thing. 

"Greyson!" she called, just before he left. Greyson heard her voice and smile. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around him. Greyson stumbled back slightly, he had never had a hug mean so much, they were rare on the isle. Hesitantly he wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her softly. She pulled away, weary that she needed to go. "I just wanted to thank you" she smiled. "Actually, thank you  for believing in me princess" he smiles. Destiny shrugged off the nickname. "I need to go" she sighed, stepping into the tunnel "See you around gothel." Greyson nodded "See you around princess." They both knew it wasn't just a see you around, it was a goodbye. They were two completely different people. Why would their paths ever cross again? It was an unlikely coincidence. One which they both knew wasn't going to happen again. They had enjoyed each others company, but it had come to an end. Or did it? 

Riley kept her questions inside, but she had many. And a lot circled aroud one particular boy. They had barely made it back into the room before she exploded. "So, tell me everything " She smiles. "I was walking away, trying to explore as you do when g-... some people kidnapped us and then took us to the room, that's it basically" Destiny lies effortlessly. "Okay so at what point did you mention Gothel?" Riley smirks. "There's noting to tell about him" destiny says. "Suuure, so hugging him for nothing is the new normal?" Riley asks. "Okay so there may have been more than what I told you" Destiny rolled her eyes. Riley nodded, for her to continue. So she told her, practically the whole story. "Oh my god! So you nearly kissed but then his mother came along and you had to hide?" Riley squeals. "I don't know if it was going to be a kiss, but yeah" Destiny shrugs. "I can't believe I'm saying this but you two will make a cute couple, I can just see it" Riley smirks. "It was a one time thing, I'm never going to see him again" Destiny sighed. "True love always finds it way back to you"

Greyson was walking back when he saw the spell book lying on the ground. He had an idea. Scribbling a letter as he walked, he saw uma. "Look what I found" he holds it up, ensuring that the later was hidden in the back where she'd never look. Uma snatched it from him and left. No gratitude, nothing. But still, his letter was finding his destiny. 

Riley had left, already ready. Destiny was finishing her hair she wore it in a low pony, something different for a change. She wore a simple but beautiful red dress, one she had made herself. When she looked in the mirror she noticed something was off. The colour. It wasn't her normal red. It was greysons red. She let a small tear build in her eye before she dried it, not wanting to ruin her makeup. She didn't want to dwell on what had happened and past. 

Greyson walked into the room they were in. Looking around memories clouded his head. It had only been a few hours, but he missed her. What they had definitely wasn't just acquaintanceship, but he pushed it back. He didn't want to dwell on what had been and gone. 

Still, they began to sing, in unison without even knowing,

All I want is love that lasts
Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me
All I want is a good guy/girl
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
But shouldn't that be enough for me

Destiny pulled herself together, leaving her room. Cotillion was meant to be great, she wasnt going to spoil it. As she opened the door, Sam white wandered past. Sam and Destiny grew up together, their parents being close. "Destiny" he smiled, stopping so she could join him. "Hey" she smiled, walking along with him. "You okay?" he asks, noticing her slightly teary eyes. "Yeah, fine" she mutters. "Sooo, how was the isle?" Sam smirks. "Long story" Destiny rolls her eyes as they step onto the boat. "Who'd you meet?" Sam knows her very well. "What?" She says. "Liar" he singsongs. Destiny knew she was lying to him, but she did not want to talk about him right now. "Sam!" one of the princes called. "Go on" Destiny smirks. "Later, we are dancing and you are telling me everything" he says, already walking away. "I'm walking away now" Destiny replies, walking towards Riley. 

"Your date is Sam?" Riley squeals. Destiny rolls her eyes. "No no no, I just walked here with him, I could never date him again, he's like my brother!" She says. "Sure" Riley purses her lips. "Riley! You think I like every boy you see me with" Destiny exclaims. "Well, you do like gothel" Riley smirks. "Did I ever actually say that?" Destiny asks. "No but you thought it" Riley states, knowing she was right. "Look here comes ben" Destiny changes the subject, turning their attention to the king who was about to walk down the stairs. 

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