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"Where have you been?" Scorpious asked curiously over breakfast.

"Long story," said Albus.

"Where though?" he said "just tell me where."

"Riddle House," said Albus.

"Riddle House?" Scorpious gasped in disbelief.


"But why? Who would want to go to Riddle House?" questioned Scorpious.

"I didn't want to go. I was forced!" replied Albus.


"I just was. She forced," sighed Albus.


"Yeah she. What d'you mean?"

"It was a girl?"

"Yeah. Why d'you want to know?"

"Who?" asked Scorpious, ignoring Albus' previous question.

"Cho," Albus told him "Cho Chang."

"Who's that?" queried Scorpious.

"I don't know but I think my mum and dad do."

"If yours do then mine probably will aswell."

"Will they?" Albus asked.

"Of course!" laughed Scorpious "my parents went to Hogwarts too you know."

"Oh yeah."

"Er... did they say anything else about her?" asked Scorpious.

"Erm... yeah they did. They said that she was a nice person in the DA," Albus said.

"The DA? Hmmmm... I think I've heard that somewhere. My dad told me about it. I think it was an organisation that Harry held in fifth year. The 'a' stands for army, I'm sure of that," Scorpious informed him.


"Yeah. Well that's what my dad said any way," said Scorpious.


"I'll ask him about that," he added.

"What have we got next?" Scorpious asked Albus as he poured sugar over his porridge.

"Potions with the Slytherins. We've got the new potions master, Professor Drame," said Albus.

"Hope he's nice," said Scorpious "we can't do with any more Slanos!"

"I know."

At that moment the post arrived. Owls from miscellaneous windows floated in and delivered their letters on the pupil's plates.

"I've got a letter! Have you?" asked Scorpious, waving a piece of parchment in his face.

"No," said Albus "but I wasn't really expecting one because I saw my mum and dad yesterday."

"Oh. Oh yeah," said Scorpious losing some of his excitement.

Albus watched Scorpius read Draco's letter. He peered over his shoulder to see what Draco had put.

Dear Scorpius, (it said)

I hope you are having a good time at Hogwarts. How is your new broom going? Are you on The Quidditch team? I hope so. What house are you in? Your granddad has been waiting for this answer all week. He hopes it's you're in Slytherin but I, personally, don't mind. Do you need anything? (Books, equipment etc.) How are your lessons going and what's your favourite so far? My favourite was always potions but I never liked care for magical creatures with that great oaf, Hagrid. I don't suppose that you've met him yet, he's the gamekeeper I hope you've made some new friends; I wouldn't like you to be lonely. Anyway I hope you have a nice day, Dad

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