The dark cloud

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Albus rolled over in his soft bed, crumpling the crisp, white sheets which Madam Pomfrey had kindly given to him. Only then did he realise that he was in the Hospital Wing on his own. Beside him was a red-brown mahogany cabinet with a cream piece of parchment rested on it. He carefully picked it up and read it slowly.

Dear Mr. Albus Severus Potter (it read)

I am writing to inform you of the upcoming event of The Four Sectors. You must not share any of this information with your colleagues, neighbours or even teachers for what I am about to tell is strictly confidential. I'm sure that you've heard of The Four Sectors as you're that type of person who somehow just knows everything. Remember that you must not tell anyone what I tell you now.

You will get chosen as one of the Four Sectors. After around five weeks of trying to translate the script on Page 47 of Hassan's file, we have the discovered the Prophecy and there is something that you might not want to hear about it. It is you. When we rubbed a Revealer over Page 47 your face was revealed as a very accurate drawing. There is no doubt that you will get chosen as one of the Four Sectors - that is unless you complete the following task.

You must travel to Italy and successfully climb Mount Vesuvius. This may seem impossible to you now but with a little help from your friends I'm sure you'll be able to manage it. If you don't want to die, then I would advise you to take my advice and complete my task successfully. Otherwise, I look forwards to seeing you in the Games.

Yours sincerely,


Albus raised his head from the pillow and gasped. He could hardly believe what he had gotten himself into. Well, technically, it wasn't his entire fault but still, he had to go to Italy for goodness sake! That is unless he wanted to take part in the Four Sectors. He'd never considered that option. What was the worst that could happen? By the sounds of it, it didn't sound too bad. At least it wouldn't be as bad as being alone in a room with someone really creepy like Cho. Albus lay in his bed simply thinking. There were so many things to think about and his brain was muddled up. Due to it being the Christmas holidays, there was no one else in the Hospital wing besides Albus so it was like having a giant bedroom all to himself where he could privately worry on his own about the Four Sectors.

Albus rolled over and sighed. He glanced over to the left hand side of the room where curtains the colour of a deep shaded green hung. Although a thick plaster ceiling was fitted above his head, he felt a sense of insecurity. It was almost as if he could feel the black grey clouds that loomed over the Hogwarts Castle. There was a clap of thunder. As Albus pulled the thick, white sheet over his head, he heard a loud, ear piercing scream. There was no mistaking that scream anywhere. It was Rose.

He leapt out of bed and hurried down the long winding staircase, careful not to trip himself up on the glazed surface. He knew he way to the Gryffindor Common Room easily but he was a little hesitant to go there on his own, especially in the dead of the night. Another scream sounded. Albus faced his fears and ran as fast as he could to Rose's dormitory. The delicate green lanterns helped him find his way along the corridor in the dark but when a gentle flicker occurred he could hardly breathe.

Come on Albus, he told himself, your father used to do this all the time when he was at school.

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