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"I have no clue!" said Albus.

Rose sighed.

"We need to think," she said

"I know," said Albus "do you think that when she said the stone she meant the Sapphire of Slytherin?"

"Well what other stone could it be? Not the Philosophers - that has been destroyed. Not the Resurrection Stone because Voldemort never had that - it was always Dumbledore's then Harry's and I can't think of any more stones," said Rose "so I think yes, it probably is."

"Yeah me too," said Albus "Do you think that Voldemort ever got that letter?"

"I doubt it," replied Rose "It wouldn't be at Hogwarts other wise."

Albus shrugged.

"Well what should we do about it?"

"I can't think. All the things that I do think of are breaking the rules," said Rose.

"Breaking the rules? I can't believe that you just said that Rose. Breaking the rules?"

"You've got to have the rules in mind," contradicted Rose.

"No, that's not important. The Sapphire of Slytherin could be some really deadly weapon," said Albus.

"But we don't know what it is!" said Rose.

"So that's why we have to find out," said Albus.

"I suppose," sighed Rose.

"So what are we going to do?"

"Well my first idea was to ask Professor Binns, the History of Magic teacher," said Rose "but then I thought he might be a bit suspicious so I thought that we could look through his 'out of bounds' History of the Dark Arts book beacuse it's likely to be in there. The only thing is well, I dont know how to get in. I mean I know that you have got your invisibility cloak, but at night they lock the doors. Do you know where the keys are kept?"

"Yeah, in the caretakers office. I could probably get them now if you want," suggested Albus.

"No, we have got flying now!"

"Now? With Professor Slano?!" gasped Albus.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh nothing," muttered Albus, quickly grabbing his crimson Quidditch robes.

The lesson was with the Slytherins again and it was in the very same place. Although Albus had done nothing wrong, he was still feeling a little apprehensive about meeting Professor Slano once again since their detention. He was determined not to cross her path again.

There is something unusual about her, Albus thought as he walked to his flying lesson, I just dont know what!

Unlike last time, when Albus arrived at his lesson, Slano was already there.

"Late!" she barked as Albus approached "Two points points from Gryffindor."

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