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The Hogwarts Express pulled up outside the Hogwarts grounds quite suddenly. Teachers flocked around the train, waiting for the students to come out. Scorpius, along with a few other pupils, was there too. Albus had expected no one to be there as that was what it was like when they had left Hogwarts. Perhaps they had known that it was coming and evacuated the building. An unlikely thought but worth considering.

"There's Scorpius," Albus whispered to Rose. "I wonder what happened to them when the Dark Cloud struck."

"Me too," said Rose sounding slightly confused, "The building was isolated when we were there. Otherwise we wouldn't have left."

"Maybe it was enchanted," said Albus slowly, "Maybe someone had done something that we hadn't heard about."

Albus hadn't thought of this. Maybe someone was plotting against him to get him killed. What had he done wrong? The only person who might have had a little bit of anger against him was Cho Chang. And what could she do? McGonagall had already warned her and she actually seemed rather scared. But maybe that was the plan. Maybe Cho wanted Albus to feel safe but in actual fact she was planning revenge against him.

"I doubt it," said Rose, "After the year when Sirius Black was on the loose, Hogwarts really tightened up the security."

Albus remembered. His father Harry had been through a similar thing when he was in the third year at Hogwarts. He remembered the story which Harry had told him a while back and how it had a happy ending. But in a way, he was wrong, nothing has a happy ending. For example, Harry had taught him to believe that Severus Snape, the one who he had been named after, died. That wasn't a good thing was it?

"But I'm sure someone clever could find their way in," mumbled Albus," Like Cho ..."

"Oh Albus," sighed Rose,"You're not still dwelling over Cho are you? She has no one to back her up. You do. You have the whole of Hogwarts behind you."

"Apart from Vin and his mates."

Albus and Roes had forgotten that Jackson was sitting there listening to their conversation. He hadn't much of a clue about what they were talking about. Lost in his own world, he had gazed at the tall, white towers of Hogwarts. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself for being chosen as a wizard his brother hadn't been chosen. It was just him. He glanced at Albus. Albus was lucky; he had a magical family who loved him and everyone knew his name. He seemed like such an interesting person. Jackson just wanted to be friends with him.

"You have me," he chimed from the corner of the carriage.

Albus gave a shy but grateful smile.

"Thanks Jackson," he said thankfully.

"What is going on?" asked Jackson. "You seem quite concerned."

Albus absent mindedly took another bite of the chocolate frog which he had bought around an hour earlier. The rich, creamy taste filled his mouth as he sucked on it. However, all was not as it seemed. He stuck his finger in his mouth and pulled out a piece of folded line paper. In utter confusement, he unfolded the letter, his hands shaking hard.

I see you didn't go to Italy like I asked. You probably won't like what's coming next. Just wait and see. Anon.

Albus stared at the letter in astonishment. What was going on? This almost confirmed that he would be chosen for the Four Sectors. And how did it happen? Who would be able to tell the exact bar of chocolate that he would buy and when he would eat it? It was creepy. He didn't like the idea of someone stalking him.

"What is it?" chorused Rose and Jackson.

He didn't know whether to tell them. Maybe Rose, but he wasn't sure he could trust Jackson. He'd trusted Cho and where had that led him? It was best to stay on the safe side.

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