The security guard

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The autumn months slowly passed by and soon it was the Christmas holidays.

Albus watched the pure white snow drift down and form a white blanket. Soon he was going to be out there on the Hogwarts Express; he was going home for Christmas unlike Scorpious who would be staying at Hogwarts. They had still not made up from their argument but Albus felt sorry for Scorpious. He wasn't going home because he wasn't allowed.


"Oh come on!" said Draco.

"Don't use that tone with me," Lucius told him "since Voldemort died I'm probably the most powerful wizard on the planet."

"What about Harry Pot-"

"Don't speak of his name in my presence," snarled Lucius.

"Anyway why can't he come?"

"Why can't he come? Why can't he come? You know, I'm disgraced by you," exclaimed Lucius "he's in Gryffindor for God's sake!"


"So?" said Lucius "I will not set eyes on the boy and that's final."

"How can you disown your own grandson?" said Draco angrily.

"I'm not I'm just disappointed by the fact he's not in Slytherin," said Lucius.

"Oh you're more than disappointed!" spat Draco "why is Gryffindor so bad? Why do you always have to spoil things!?"

"Me!" spluttered Lucius slamming his glass of Firewhiskey down on the polished marble surface.

"Yes you!" roared Draco "he's my son so don't you criticize him!"

"Why not? He's in Gryffindor; Hogwarts' worst ever house team after all," said Lucius.

"Stop kicking up such a fuss about a stupid house team," said Draco "you can have it your way but I'll never forgive you for this."

Lucius picked up his Firewhiskey and took another slurp, ignoring Draco.

"Well?" said Draco.

Lucius grunted.

"Oh for god's sake!" Draco shouted furiously, storming out of the room and slamming the door hard.


Professor McGonnagal was now gathering up all of the first years who were to be going home for the holidays. They were marched out of Hogwarts in single file and down to Hogsmeade.

The icy, cold wind blew the winter snow in to Albus' face. He pulled his stripy woollen scarf around his face and kept his head down.

The friendly wizards and witches who were shopping at Hogsmeade that day smiled and waved at them. As they trudged in to the Hogsmeade station, a member of staff stopped them.

"I need to check you all over," he said gruffly.

"Yes, that's no problem," replied Professor McGonnagal "what's it for?"

"Well I'm sure you've heard," he lowered his voice and leant over to Professor McGonnagal "we're looking for the Sapphire of Slytherin."

"Of course," said McGonnagal brightly "You are free to check them."

The man, who was like a large elephant, bustled over to the first years.

"So," he said "who's first?"

The pupils all stepped backwards, leaving Rose Weasley in front.

"Must be you then," he said, guiding Rose in to a booth.

He waved his wand over her, muttering something under his breath.

"Yes you're fine," he said as he ushered her out "NEXT!"

Hugo walked forwards so that he could get on the train at the same time as his sister. The security man did the same to Hugo as he did to Rose.

When it was Albus' turn he, like the others, was pushed firmly in to the booth but when he was in there, the security man was very different. He turned around, choking mysteriously and when he turned back, Albus realised who he was actually. She to be precise. It was Cho.

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