The four sectors

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"We didn't get there in time. I'm so sorry Professor," apologized Rose. "When I think about it now, it's all my fault. I should have been there for him. I'm so sorry."

"It isn't your fault Rose. Calm down, I'm sure Albus will be fine," comforted McGonagall.

"But he's dead. He's not going to come back to life is he?"

Rose bit her nails nervously. She stared silently at Albus lying down in the nearby corner and McGonagall followed her gaze.

"Rose," she said, "All is not as it seems."

"What do you mean?" Rose suddenly perked up at this. What could Professor McGonagall possibly be meaning? She looked at Albus once more. His face was paler than ever and his eyes were wide open and glassy.

"You mean he's not dead," Rose gasped.

"I can't be certain on whether he is dead or not," said McGonagall, "But I can assure you that it's not over yet."

"What do you mean?" asked Rose curiously, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm not sure whether I should tell you or not." Professor McGonagall shifted her half moon spectacles up her long, pointed nose and eyed Rose carefully. Her sharp eyes watched Rose's every move. "Can you keep a secret?"

Rose nodded anxiously.

"It's the Ministry," explained Professor McGonagall, "They've decided that every year they're going to hold some sort of game . Not the Triwizard Tournament; we've had that before. It's something different and Hogwarts doesn't particularly like the sound of it. What happens is, from each magical school four 'Sectors' - one from each house - are chosen and they compete to stay alive. I don't know any further details but that's all I know so far. That's what I'm concerned about. I'm sure Albus will find his way back."

"But why?" asked Rose, "Why do they want to do this? Is there a particular reason for it?"

"It is to celebrate the anniversary death of Voldemort. Apparently, there is a moral to it: 'those who do not seek power have power'. It also represents all the deaths that were caused at the Battle of Hogwarts so those who were not there at the time could

experience it in another way."

"It sounds horrible." Rose clenched her fists together tightly. The dread of being chosen as one of the Four Sectors was unbearable. She felt scared for herself and her friends; especially Albus, her closest friend. "My mum says that we should just remember those who died in the battle then just get on with life, why do we need this to remember it? All it is going to do is cause more and more deaths. Aren't we trying to prevent those?"

"Rose," said McGonagall, "How did I know that you were going to do this and try and stop it all? You do know that this is impossible and it can never be done? The Ministry have secured it, fixed it, and planned it. All ten schools have agreed to participate and have already started training for them. There's no stopping them now."

Rose's stomach gave a somersault. The truth was painful. A strong wave of realisation suddenly crept over Rose's mind. Maybe the Ministry wanted Albus dead. Here she was just presuming that Albus would be chosen as one of the four sectors which was the likelihood of the situation considering that things always happened to Albus quite unintentionally. It was almost as if McGonagall could hear what Rose was thinking because immediately, she stood up and spoke.

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