Chapter 32

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~Luke's POV~

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you too." She replied.

I can't believe what's happened lately. Mia is finally my girlfriend. Now I can kiss her whenever I want, now I can hug her whenever I please, I can call her mine now, and remind her how beautiful she is. The only thing here is Calum. Since the day I saw him all over Mia, I just can't see him like I used to, you know? I just can't believe that even though he knew that I liked Mia, he was all over her. I just.. I can't believe it. It doesn't sound like Calum. I tried talking to him, but he won't tell me why he did it. Yes, I told Mia that Calum and I were alright again, but I lied. I have to tell her sooner or later that the truth is, we're not okay. I don't trust him anymore.

The night when I asked Mia to be my girlfriend, it was magical. Call me cheesy, but it's the truth. I never though I would have the guts to look right in her beautiful green eyes while singing. I don't know how I did it, it just happened. And the kiss? God, it was...I don't know how to say it. I don't have the words to describe it. Let's put it this way: when Mia and I kissed, I could feel the manly moths all over my back.

What made the night not-so-magical was the fact that I didn't give her the God damn necklace. I forgot it. I totally forgot it. When should I give it to her? I mean, I can't do anything now, that night was 3 nights ago. I can't just tell her 'Mia, here's the necklace you liked. I was going to give it to you when I asked you to be my girlfriend but I forgot, so here it is." No.

"Babe." A voice made me snap out of my thoughts. Mia's voice.

"Yes baby?" I asked her.

"What are you thinking about? You seem really thoughtful tonight." She replied. I looked at her in the eyes and then to the ceiling.

"I'm just thinking." I blankly said.

"Stop thinking and go to sleep. It's 1:00 in the morning and you have work to do tomorrow." She whispered. What? What work?

"Helen, what are you talking about? What work?" I asked her. I honestly was really confused.

"Yeah, we're- never mind. Good night Lukey Poo. I love you." She said and gave me a quick peck on the lips and then rested her head over my chest. I could get so used to this.

"Good night baby. I love you more." I told her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Night Lukey Poo." She finally added. 'Lukey Poo' has been my nickname since the day-or night perhaps- that we're in a relationship.


The next morning I woke up with Mia in my arms. We were in the same position as we were last night. I know I said it a million times before, but she looks so cute when she sleeps. I just can't help it.

"Stop looking at me Luke." She said. How did she notice? "It's creepy."

"No it's not. You're beautiful." I complimented. She is, indeed. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in the world.

"Thanks Lukey. I'm hungry." She replied.

"What should I do?" I frowned.

"Tell me I'm cute and give me food." She answered. I laughed. I wasn't expecting that answer. "I'm serious though. I am hungry."

"Let's go somewhere then. Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"Let's go to...uh...I don't know. What d'you want?"

"Whatever my baby asks for." I replied-

"Lukey Poo, you're so cheesy at times." I pouted. "I like it though."

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now