Chapter 38

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"Guys, what should we do?" Luke asked.

"I don't know, call 911?" Michael asked.

"Why don't we call One Direction instead?" I bluntly said.

Why don't we call both?" Ashton suggested. Good idea, my friend.


~Mia's POV~

"Hello?" A beautiful Irish accent that I know really well said through the phone.

"Niall." I replied. "Is it possible for you guys to come over please?"

"I'll ask Paul, talk with Louis while I do that." Niall said and handed the phone to Louis, who happily took the phone.

"Mia my love! How are ya?" Louis squealed, making my ear almost explode.

"Um... I could be better but I'm good I guess." I replied as I glanced at the disaster in the room.

"Good. HARRY STOP DOING THAT!" Louis yelled through the phone. "Sorry, Harry is annoying me a lot."

"S'okay. How are you guys?" I asked.

"Well, we are all fine. Harry is saying I'm a cat that he's watching in his phone, Liam is teasing Zayn for drawing a weird comic thing, and Nialler is with Paul, oh wait never mind, he's coming this way." Louis answered.

"Guys get inside the van and Louis, gimme my phone." Niall's voice was being heard in the distance, and then Louis said an 'okay' and handed Niall the phone, I guess. "LOUIS GIVE ME THAT." Niall yelled, but it could be heard through the phone. Scratch the part of Louis giving Niall the phone.

"MAKE ME!" Louis said and they seemed to be running. Suddenly the phone crashed, causing my ears to almost explode. After that, the line went dead.

"So, what did they tell you?" Luke asked.

"Um, I don't know, they were fighting over Niall's phone. Why did we even call them?" I chuckled.

"The police are on their way. They should be here in any second." Ashton informed us. We all nodded and walked to the kitchen and eat the rest of the pizza, since we didn't finish it. We were still really scared though.

"Guys who do you think it was?" Calum asked.

"What are you talking about?" I said.

"Yeah, who are your suspects?" Calum asked again.

"Suspects of what Calum?" Luke replied, slightly annoyed.

"For who threw the rock!" Calum yelled.

"Dudes, calm down." Michael said.

"Sorry." Luke and Calum said in unison.

"But yeah, who do you think it was?" Calum repeated his question.

"I think it was my mum." I answered.

"You think it was her?" Ashton asked me.

"Who else is it going to be? Of course it was my mum." I replied. They all seemed taken aback by my answer.

"We have to-" Michael said but was interrupted by the doorbell.

"I'll go." I told them and they all nodded. Then I walked out of the kitchen and to the front door. Now I'm more pissed off than scared. I opened the door and saw her. I saw her.

"Mum?" I frowned.

"Hello Mia." My mum evilly smiled.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked her, my voice trembling a little.

"Oh, you know, just wondering how your life has been with Luke ever since you left me." My mum angrily said. Honestly the face she made scared the crap out of me.

"It has been good, really good." I replied as calm as I could.

"While it lasted." My mother finally said and then she attacked me and made me breathe a cloth with some substance on it. Soon I blacked out.

~Ashton's POV~

"Why is Mia taking so long guys?" Luke asked us all.

"I don't know bro, she's probably paying the pizza dude or something, just chill." Michael replied. We all just shrugged. After that I began scrolling through Twitter in my phone.

"Ash, what time is it?" Calum asked.

"I don't know." I replied, my eyes never leaving my phone.

"Dude, you have your fucking phone in your hand!" Calum replied a little bit angrily.

"First off, chill. Second, don't swear please, and third it is a quarter till-" I was about to finish but Luke yelled.

"MIA, COME HERE." Luke yelled but there was no response.

"Mia!" Luke yelled again. No response.

"Mia get your ass here!" Michael shouted, still no response.

"Mia?" Luke whispered and ran out of the kitchen. Before he left, you could see panic all over his face.

"Where the hell is Mia?" Calum said and we all ran to the front door. Luke was frozen in there, he didn't move. The door was opened, but no sign of Mia.

"Luke," Calum whispered.

"Guys, she's gone. But how?" Luke cried.

"Dude, I don't know about you, but if this happened to my girlfriend I wouldn't be crying over it, I would go out and look for her! Get your ass outside and look for her! Let's all do that!" Michael replied.

"You're right Michael." Luke said and got out to the car. "Let's all divide into groups. I'll go alone to that side of the street," he said and pointed to a one side of the street, "you guys go to other parts of town, search through neighborhoods, parks, at the beach, I don't know. Just please help me look for her." And with that, Luke entered the car and drove through the streets of the neighborhood.

"Guys, what are we going to do?" I asked them all.

"One Direction and the police is coming right? Why don't we ask them for help?" Calum suggested.

"Michael, you and Calum stay here and wait for the police and the boys. When the boys come, whichever of you go look for Mia with them, and the other one stays with the police in the house." I replied and they nodded. Then I began walking through the streets. Mia, you're in big trouble.

~Luke's POV~

I drove through every single street in this city. I drove through supermarkets, restaurants, malls, every single place I know in this city. Still, there's no sign of Mia. How is she even gone?

When I found out she wasn't in the house, I panicked a lot. I was really afraid, shocked. Who did this? One part of myself says it was her mother, but another part of me says it was a totally different person. It has been only ten minutes since she was gone and I miss her like if she's been away for hours.

I began to feel frustrated of not finding Mia. Where the hell is she?

Then, just like magic, I received a call.

"Hello?" I said.



Author's Note:

Hey guys! This is more less a filler, it was pretty short and I'm sorry! I hope you liked it somehow! Thank you so much for reading! I love you a lot!

Loving you// Luke Hemmings [rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now