Chapter 7

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Naruto's pov:

Today's the day! Today's the day I take the test and be a real ninja! At least that's what my fake personality would be screaming. Now, I'm excited and I would probably say this but I wouldn't yell it all about the village. So I raced off to the academy and I got there a little early because I was so excited but that's okay I just pulled out one of the scrolls of sealing Haha got me from her library. Haha told me about when my real mom was super little how she would bring copies of books from the library to her. Because the books from the hidden whirlpool village were so hard to get a hold of and now that the village is gone they're super rare because everyone believed they were all destroyed.

Haha decided the best thing to do to keep her library safe was to rewrite all of the scrolls in the language of the buuji. Seeing as most people don't even know the tailed beasts have a language it would keep people from being able to read the scrolls unless they themselves have a tailed beast or Haha gave them the key she made that can decipher the language. Everyone else would just be out of luck with a scroll with pretty handwriting.

Halfway through the scroll I felt someone sit next to me. Looking over I saw the moody, brooding face of none other than Sasuke Uchiha. Itachi-nii's younger brother.

"Hn." Was Sasuke's greeting. "What are you reading dobe?" Sasuke never really talked to me other than to call me dobe or to rile me up to make a fool out of myself. I had originally tried to be friends with him after Itachi left from having to kill his clan, but Sasuke wanted nothing to do with me or anyone for that matter. I didn't give up though and now we have a sort of love/ hate relationship, but when we're not in class we're actually pretty good friends not that anyone ever needed to know that.


--Flashback no jutsu--

Haha had actually gone to the Uchiha compound three months after Itachi left and kidnapped the distraught and emotionally damaged Uchiha and brought him back to the apartment. During the first few months of him being with us he'd refused to do anything, even eating. Haha had enough one day and yelled at him that he had a longer time to grieve then she did for her sister and if he didn't get his butt in gear by himself she would do it for him.

I guess he didn't believe her because two days after that he was still brooding so Haha took it upon herself and the next morning she woke me up at our normal time and then grabbed a bucket of cold water and dumped it on the sleeping Sasuke. He jumped up with a yelp from the sudden cold water and glared at Haha. Mom just stood there with her hands on her hips and told him to get up and get ready for training. His still half asleep and confused brain went and got himself dressed and ready before coming into the living room and eating breakfast with us. At some point his brain must have caught up and his fork stopped mid air and then he was yelling at mom about why in the world was he awake and so on.

That was the day he would join us on our daily training and such. After Sasuke had been with us for a year Haha decided, screw the hokage's orders and told him all about her and her black ops team that Itachi had been on and the real reason Itachi did what he did. She even had me drop my henge and then she asked him if he would like to be a part of our family as well. Of course this was all a lot to take in and it took him three days to figure everything out. When he did he accepted everything that was said and promised to keep pretending to hate his brother, but also told Haha he would love to be a part of our family.

He actually cried when he said that... An UCHIHA CRIED!!! Haha told him he could be himself around us and would have to have a different personality like me when out in public. Which he agreed to.

--End flashback no jutsu--


"Ah teme. Just a scroll my mom gave me." I replied.

"I didn't know you could read." Sasuke said but I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I just smirked and rolled my eyes as we both waited for the rest of our class to arrive.

~Time skip no jutsu~

Almost everyone was here and then we heard what sounded like angry elephants coming down the hall and shouting. Then they appeared. Ino and Sakura. Both girls had been going at each other as Sasuke's number one fan girl for years and every year they got louder and louder. Ino had long blonde hair and bangs that covered one eye. While Sakura had long pink hair and two pieces of long bangs that framed her face, to quote "Hide her overly large forehead".

They were shoving each other and got stuck in the door. When they finally collapsed through the door they both jumped up and ran over to where Sasuke and I were.

"Naruto-baka move! I should be sitting by Sasuke-kun!" Sakura shrieked in my ear which really hurt with my heightened hearing. Mom probably heard her from the hokage's office and had to be restrained so she didn't come after the dumb girl.

"No! I should be sitting by Sasuke-kun!" Ino yelled at her and then they started bickering again. Without noticing Ino pushed Sakura and she bumped me out of the chair. So I stood up and glared at the oblivious girls and jumped on the table to squint at Sasuke face to face. I leaned in just a tad when someone pushed me and the next thing I knew. I WAS KISSING SASUKE!!!! I jerked back in shock and surprise. It was sooooo gross!!! It was like kissing my brother!!!! (Anime crying face) I'M SCARRED FOR LIFE!!!!

Maybe it was my imagination. All of Sasuke's fangirls were furious with me and I was almost killed!

'Sure kit you were definitely almost killed.' Came the mused voice of Kurama.

'Well I was!' I yelled back at him. He just chuckled, but said nothing else.

Iruka came into the class right in the nick of time and yelled for everyone to take their seats. Sakura sat in my now vacant seat and stuck her tongue out at Ino who glared from her seat beside Shikamaru. While I sat behind Sasuke and next to Hinata. The quiet girl giggled when I sat down and I glared at her before hiding my face in my arms on my desk. I felt her lean over towards me. No she doesn't stutter around me if you were wondering because after I had saved her all those years ago she had initially started stalking me but mom appeared behind her one day and scared the wits out of her when she told Hinata she was really good at concealing her presence. So she had Hinata join Sasuke and I in training and after a while she got used to us and stopped being shy and stuttering. Hinata was actually a really confident girl who has actually mastered her byakugan, her clan's kekkei genkai. She's also super smart and a really good analyzer. So she decided to mess with me about kissing our 'brother'.

"Awe" Hinata started in a teasing tone. "Is Naru crushing on Sasu?" I shot her a glare which she ignored and went back to her fake persona. We listened as Iruka called us individually to take our tests and finally he called on me. As I entered the testing room I saw Mizuki-sensei glare and then smirk at me. So I decided to fail and see what would happen.

First was the substitution jutsu which I did with a stool. Then was the henge jutsu where I turned into mom and lastly was the bunshin jutsu which I failed purposefully. I watched Iruka's eyebrow twitch as he yelled at me that I failed. Mizuki-sensei 'tried' to appeal to Iruka that I had tried my best and he should just pass me because it looked like I really wanted to. Iruka told him that wasn't the rules and dismissed me and I left pretending to be super sad.

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