Chapter 4

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Mayumi pov:

      Five years. Five long wonderful years with my musuko. Naruto was an extremely bright child who was also rambunctious, roudy, mischievous, funny and very loving. I watched as he bounced around me as we were getting ready for our long journey back to our home village. He is quite tall for a six year old but he doesn't even notice. He met the nine tails when he was about four, we had been staying in a small village just outside of the hidden mist when a group of rogues attacked and my musuko jumped in front of the other small children to save them from the torrent of weapons. I arrived halfway through their assault and when I saw my musuko bloody and unconscious I saw red. When I finally came back to my senses all of the rogue group were dead and their body parts were scattered around. The other little ones had survived thanks to Naru but he was in a coma for a solid week.

      During that week I had taken him back to our little hut we had been staying in and closed my eyes to meditate only to hear the happy cry of my musuko. My eyes shot open and I gathered him in my arms happy he was alright. That was until I saw where we were and met the eyes of my brother. I for one was not scared as I knew I was more powerful, he on the other hand was a little weary but also very upset.

      I let go of Naruto and faced my brother fully. Naruto's little hand pulled on the side of my midnight blue kimono. I looked down at his smiling face "Haha this is Kurama-san! He's the nine tails and he says he's healing me. I asked him if he wanted to be my friend and he said yes!" He excitedly said.

      Before I could even say a word Kurama rumbled with laughter. "You're his Haha?" He was almost rolling with laughter "As IF! You haven't blood tied him to you! I don't feel an ounce of you in that boy, ane." He let the word ane hang in the air as Naruto was processing what he had said.

      "Ane?" Naruto mulled over the word trying to figure out where he'd heard it before I shot my otouto a dark look as he was still laughing. "Haha doesn't ane mean big sister?" His little voice was shaky as he spoke. I knew right then I would tell him the truth and leave nothing out. I just wanted that damn lip to stop quivering!


      My son really knows how to get me to talk and talk fast. His puppy dog eyes and quivering lip get me everytime. So I spilt the beans about myself, his mother, father and Kurama. EVERYTHING. Naruto took it all in and sat in silence for a while. I marched over to my otouto and through the bars he was kept in and grabbed his ear and yanked it towards me.

      "How dare you do that to MY son otouto! I can't believe you would do that!" I yelled and yelled. When I finally stopped for a breath Naruto spoke.

      "Haha you are my mom. No one else could ever replace you." Hope and love filled my being at his words. "But," Ah that one word. "I want you to officially make me your musuko by blood tying me to you!" I stared at my son thinking he'd been switched with another one, but no this little four year old was the one I call mine. "And! I want Kurama to blood tie with me too!" To which both otouto and I fell over.


      So after Kurama and I finally got over our initial shock we did the ritual and man is my son gonna be a heck of a ninja! After his body got accustomed to the new bonds he started to change. Not by much but enough to notice. Such as his blond hair becoming startling white like mine but had streaks of red like Kurama's, it was also to the middle of his back because he'd wanted to grow it out, plus his abnormal height which he got from us both. His skin became tanner and flawless and slightly more feminin and his features became sharper, as well as his strength, hearing and eyesight increased exponentially.

      To not draw as much attention to him as he would probably get we trained him in multiple jutsu's and even genjutsu so he could be semi normal in appearance. Now at the age of six he mastered both biju forms and seals (courtesy of me). He was easily low jounin level with everything else.

      As Naruto and I approached the gates we were stopped by the guards asking what we were there for. Naruto looked up at me confused as to why they stopped us, but I just smiled and said we were on our way to see the hokage. They were satisfied with that answer and let us through.

      "Haha why did the guards stop and ask us why we were here? Don't they know we're originally from Konoha?" It was an innocent question.

      "Well they may not recognise us. It has been five years and you were only a baby when we departed. I also didn't wear the clothes I do now." Naruto nodded at my answer and asked about other things on the way there. Finally we were in front of the hokage's office doors and I tentatively knocked. The sound of talk hushed and a rough voice called out "come in".

      I opened the door and walked and waited for Naruto to walk in as well before I went in front of the hokage's desk and knelt. Naruto had been hiding behind me and came out a little to also kneel.

      "Ah Captain Shiri Hyou I take it your and your sons mission went to plan?" The old man worded it so to let me know now was not the best time.

   "Hai Hokage- sama." I let him know I understood and would come back later.

      "Good, good." The old man dismissed us and I stood and Naruto stood and hid behind me again as we left the office. I had recognized some of the people in there as part of the civilian counsel. I hoped they weren't giving him a hard time like they always were.

      On our way to our home we stopped by some stalls and grabbed food and other supplies, it was also to see if the villagers would glare at us like they used to. Some did but others didn't so I let it go. As we walked up the stairs of the apartment Naruto and I felt a few chakra signatures watching us so I decided to act like I couldn't feel them.

      "Hey musuko you should write to your kyoudai I'm sure they're worried about if we made it back safely or not." I watched as Naruto brightened up almost instantly at the mention of his siblings.

      "Your right Haha! I'll do it right after we get in the house!" He started mumbling about all the things he could write to them.


      After the whole Kurama debacle I decided it would do Naruto and the other jinchuuriki good to meet one another and become a part of our family. So when Naruto turned five we spent that whole year training and going around to the different villages to find the other jinchuuriki. We finally managed to find them all and since three didn't have a village of their own Naruto and I decided they would come with us to Konoha. They would just be a few days late.


      After we had gotten into the apartment and I had put everything away and Naruto went to write his letters I decided it had been long enough and I had let them worry long enough.

      "So my team thinks they can spy and sneak up on me eh?" I jokingly said as I finally turned to face all four masked anbu. Two were on the floor tied up and the other two couldn't do anything with Naruto's katana pressed against their throats. I noticed Naruto had dropped his genjutsu and I let it go seeing as these were people I'd trust with my life.

      "Ah. Now, now musuko these four are family and were probably very worried about us while we were gone." I said slowly and it took each of them a few seconds for my words to click before-

"NARUTO?!" The astonished yell could have been heard from Kiri I swear.

      After both Naruto's had let go and untied the anbu the clone Naru dispelled leaving only the original standing beside me now. It was quite funny to see their reactions to my musuko and how affected he was by their stares.

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