- Prologue -

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Bip Bip Bip

An annoying ringing rang. Groaning in annoyance, the girl lifted her arm lazily, pushing the thick blanket off her. ''Hmm, what time is it...'' the girl yawned, slowly flattering her eyes open. Her lavender eyes scanned the corners of her room before remember where she was. 

The sound of bipping was still ringing beside her ear, causing the girl to groan at it. The girl roughly picks up her phone and slammed her finger onto the 'snooze' button. Her lazy eyes watched as her fingers unlocked her phone and slide through the contents of it. 

'First day of school' A notification popped up on her screen. ''Huh?'' the girl hummed, squinting her eyes to read the notification. After realising what it was, the girl only sighed. She proceeded to scroll through her social media before finally getting off her comfy bed and getting ready for the day.

Y/n had just been accepted into a new school after taking an entry test. The only reason why she really wanted to attend this school was that it provides the course she really wanted. Plus, it has many extra activities for students to choose from. Not only that, but the school also sent students for exchange programs and provides more opportunities for Universities. The only downside was that her brother was attending the same exact school. 

Even though it was the middle of the school year, the school still decided to plop her into the school. A bit random but alright, no complains. Y/n didn't have many friends back in her old school anyway, so this might be a great chance for her to make new friends. 


''Y/n! Breakfast's ready!'' a call rang from the bottom of the stairs, signalling breakfast was ready. ''Yes, I'm coming down.'' The girl cried back, tying her hair up into a neat ponytail and watching her side bangs fall. She snatched her bag from her bed and her uniform blazer from the clothes stand before running down the stairs. 

''Ah Y/n, come on eat.'' a soft smile appeared on her father's face as he waved at his daughter with a knife.  ''Father, be careful, you're holding a knife.'' the girl stated, sitting down next to her brother at the dining table. ''I'm careful.'' the male defended, returning his focus on chopping strawberries. 

''So your first day in a new school huh, still couldn't believe they decided to shove you in, in the middle of the school year.'' Her brother commented, not removing his eyes from the television in the living room. Y/n only shrugged, buttering her toast. 

''Got your stuff ready?'' Sabito asked, shoving a fork full of scumbled eggs into his mouth. ''Yep.'' the girl answered, taking a bite out of her toast. ''You do know we don't wear the blazers unless it's a special occasion right?'' the boy smirked, looking at the black blazer resting on the girl's shoulders. Realising what he meant, Y/n quickly took off the blazer and tucking it into her bag. 

''Well, how was I supposed to know that?'' Y/n commented, frowning slightly at her brother. The boy only chuckled and ruffled the girl's hair, messing it up. Y/n gave her brother an unimpressed look before returning to her food.

''Well, kids, I got to run to the office now, so much sure you come home by 6 pm, dinner's in the fridge, don't burn the house down.'' their father said, hurriedly putting on his coat and picking up his suitcase. ''Oh, and Y/n, good luck on your first day sweetie.'' her father smiled before shutting the front door and heading off to the office. 

''Welp, we should be heading to school now.'' Sabito yawned, placing the dishes into the sink. Y/n nodded, picking up her bag and putting on her shoes as she waits for her brother. ''I wonder how I'll do in the new school.'' The girl silently sighed. 


The siblings walked down the peaceful street, heading to their school. Y/n had her earpiece on her ears, listening to her favourite music. ''Hey, Y/n. We're almost there.'' the boy stated, not knowing that Y/n couldn't hear him. ''Are we reaching soon?'' the girl asked, clueless at what her brother had just said. 

''Eh?? I just told you that we were reaching??'' the boy stuttered, confused. Y/n just frowned, equally confused. ''There we're here,'' Sabito spoke, pointing to the large entrance in front of them. Y/n was shaken all the way to the core.

The school is huge! It doesn't even look like a high school at all. It could be easily mistaken for a University. Yes, Y/n's brother was attending this school, but it wasn't like she walk pass his school every day, her previous school was at the opposite end of town.

Y/n was lost for words as she stared at the students passing by them, entering the large school. There were students studying on tables and benches. Some fooling around at the courtyard. Her brother only chuckled at her expression before heading into the school compound. ''Come on, you don't want to get lost.'' 

Y/n nodded, trailing behind her older brother while she surveys her surroundings.

''Y/n-chan!!!'' a loud cheer rang from the entrance of the main building. Shaken, the siblings turned to see where the scream had come from. Immediately, they were met with a tall girl with mixed coloured hair, braided neatly. She held a banner on her hands as she waved enthusiastically at the pair. 

''Oh, Mitsuri-chan.'' the girl smiled, walking towards her. ''Y/n! I' so happy I get to see you again!'' the girl exclaimed, attacking the smaller girl in a hug.  ''Great to see you too Mitsuri.'' Y/n chuckled. ''Really Mitsuri...You didn't have to do this.'' Sabito sighed, glancing at the students surrounding the three who all gave them awkward gazes. 

''Nonescene Sabito-san. I was a senior in her previous school and gotten transferred over as well. As her senior and friend, I think it was reasonable for me to do so.'' the older girl smiled, a large grin beamed on her face. ''Thanks, Mitsuri.'' Y/n giggled, thankful that at least there is someone she knows here.

''Well, Y/n, Let's go get you registered at the office shall we?'' the taller girl suggested with much excitement.  ''Hold on, I can take care of that for her,'' Sabito added. ''Huh? I don't think so Sabito-san, soon you would be crowded with your friends and you wouldn't be able to notice her.'' the green-eyed girl stated, slightly mocking the boy. 

On cue, soon a bunch of boys around Sabito's age started to approach him, surrounding him completely. Both Y/n and Mitsuri chuckled at the irony as they watch Sabito being dragged away by his friends. ''See what did I tell you.'' the taller girl sighed, shaking her head.

Y/n simply shrugged. ''Well, let's get you registered,'' Mitsuri suggested, leading Y/n to the main office. 



Bleh, that was honestly a shitty prologue. But what am I suppose to write about her walking to school???

Welp, I thankful for anyone who's reading this, either it's your first time reading this series or you came from the first book :P

I hope you would enjoy this book

Thank youu

- WritingBlanks

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