- 25 Stay With Me -

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Y/n found herself having trouble focusing in class that day. The words from Yuichirou constantly rang through Y/n's mind throughout the day. Plus, not to mention the lovely distraction sitting right behind her. Whenever she turns around to pass some worksheets or to collect some, a lovely and welcoming smile was always there to greet her, sending millions of butterfly into her stomach. Making her lose focus on the lesson before her.  

''Y/n. Y/n. Y/n????'' a soft voice rang from in front of the girl, snapping her back into reality. ''Huh?'' the girl blinked, jolting her head upwards to meeting a pair of stunning velvet eyes. ''You good??? You seem to daze off more often now...'' Rio stated, waving a few worksheets in front of Y/n's face. ''No, I'm fine...I'm just distracted lately.'' the girl sighed, taking the worksheets from Rio. 

Placing one of the worksheets on her table, Y/n quickly passed the remaining ones to the back, not sparing a glance back at the boy. As soon as she dumped the pieces of paper onto the desk behind her, she immediately redrew her arm. However, she wasn't quick enough as a strong grip quickly from onto her wrist, pulling onto her arm. 

''Y/n?? Turn around please.'' a cheeky voice sounded from behind as the boy tugged onto her arm. Sighing, the girl turned around to face the boy behind. ''What do you want-'' the girl started but was cut off as the boy used a finger and press onto her nose gentle. ''boop!'' Muichirou chuckled, flashing the girl a genuine smile. 

Instantly, the girl's cheek flashed in a bright shade of red from his actions and immediately turned back to face the front. ''Stupid Kelphead.'' the girl thought, covering her face from embarrassment. 


''Are you going to keep holding onto your face or what?'' Muichirou bluntly stated as the couple walked down the same familiar street. ''...You didn't have to walk me home...'' Y/n stuttered, looking away from the boy with a palm cupping her lower face. ''I had nothing to do so why not?'' the boy shrugged. 

''Come on, talk to me.'' the boy whined, giving the small hand in his a gentle squeeze. ''I would be talking to you if you aren't holding my hand right now.'' the girl complained, frowning slightly at the boy. ''What? Don't you like it?'' the boy pouted, stopping in his tracks, pulling Y/n to a stop as well. ''No...I didn't mean that...I'm just embarrassed.'' the girl explained, waving her other hand. Muichirou's mint eyes soften as a small smile formed on his lips. 

''You're so cute.'' the boy snickered, leaning in to place a small kiss on the girl's flustered cheek. ''Ehhhh.'' the girl mumbled, trying again to hide her flustered face. ''Don't hide your face...'' Muichirou whispered, pulling her hands away from her face. ''You look cute when you blush.'' the boy chuckled, flashing a cheeky grin at her.

''Stop it Kelphead.'' Y/n frowned, smacking the boy at his arm. ''Oww. Sorryyy.'' the boy chuckled. ''You know, you gotta stop calling me that stupid nickname, I don't really like it.'' Muichirou huffed, pouting a little as he crossed his arms. ''Sorry but the name seems fitting on you.'' the girl teased, sticking a playful tongue at the boy. ''Mhpm.'' the boy grunted before flicking a finger at the girl's forehead. 

''hm.'' Y/n frowned before her lavender eyes fell upon Muichirou's windbreaker. Out of instinct, Y/n quickly grabbed onto the boy's wrist and pulled his arm towards her without saying a word. ''Hey what are you-'' the boy questioned but was caught off guard by what she did next. 

Y/n quickly pushed the sleeve of the windbreaker up, revealing nasty white marks that ran down his arm. The scars seemed faint yet deep. The lines stuck out in different edges as they ran down along his skin. Y/n's lavender eyes softened at the sight as she brushed her thumb gently across the scars. A small hiss escaped from the boy's lips. Without warning, Muichirou tore Y/n's hand off his wrist and pulled his sleeve back down, hiding those nasty marks. 

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