- 7 Field trip -

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The class was arranged for a field trip to a museum in a nearby city to help them in their research of the Tashio Period in Japan. [In this world of demon slayer] The field trip was the only thing going around the class these days, even though it wasn't until Friday. 

''Wow, the first time I've heard a class being excited about a study field trip.'' Y/n mumbled to Rio as the lavender eyes watched as a group of students talking about it. ''Eh, what do you expect? We're a bunch of nerds in our own way.'' Rio shrugged. ''I still can't believe you already had a partner man.'' Y/n frowned, placing her book down to face Rio. 

''I'm sorry, but Tokito-san was giving me death glares so what was I suppose to do?'' Rio defend. ''That kelphead?'' Y/n wondered out loud, slightly peeking over her shoulder at the boy behind her. Sensing that someone was looking at him, the boy's mint eyes immediately shot up to meet Y/n's lavender ones. 

Surprised at his sudden reaction, Y/n jolted a little before turning but to face Rio. ''I don't know what's up with that guy, but sometimes he can be sweet, creepy and annoying...'' Y/n whispered. A small sneeze escaped from Muichirou's nose as he covered it with his palm. ''Oops.'' Rio giggled, making the other girl frowned.


Friday quickly arrived. Y/n's class waited patiently for their bus to arrive at the foyer of the school. Soon, the bus arrived and the students piled into it. Y/n took the seat next to Rio as the two friends chatted. 

What Y/n didn't know was the unpleasant stare someone was giving off at the back of the bus. His mint eyes glanced at the friends in slight jealousy before brushing it off. Muichirou slouched against his seat as his friend took the seat next to him. ''I wanted Y/n to sit next to me...'' the boy whined silently in his head before taking his smartphone out. 

After 30 minutes, the bus soon arrived at the entrance of the museum. As the class gathered at the foyer of the museum, taking instructions from their teacher and the museum guide. 

''Alright class, once we head in, I want you all to get into your pairs and start on your research right away.'' The teacher instructed. ''Please choose a topic to write on and gather as much information for your report. Please ask the guide if you have any questions.'' The teacher pointed out as he introduced the guide. 

''The area we would be staying in is level 2 of the museum which houses the Tashio Period, we'll have an hour tour of the museum at the end of your research. Understood?'' the teacher informed, looking at his watch. ''Also, put on your best behaviour.'' the teacher reminded as the guide gave out stickers to the students, to show that they were visitors. 

Soon the student hurriedly piled into the second floor of the museum and started on their research. ''Well, I shall see you at the tour then Y/n-san'' Rio smiled and waved at her friend. ''Yea, good luck.'' Y/n wishes as her friend left to find her partner. 

Y/n let out a tired sigh. ''Damn, this blazer is getting hot troublesome to wear.'' Y/n wonders out-loud, slightly pulling at her collar.  ''Hey gooby.'' a call rang from beside Y/n, making her jump slightly. ''Could you stop that.'' Y/n groaned, angry at the boy beside her. ''Whatever you say Gooby.'' Muichirou shrugged, glancing at the girl. 

''Gooby? What's that? A new nickname to annoy me?'' Y/n questioned, crossing her arms. Muichirou shrugged. ''You and your shrugging.'' Y/n sighed, slightly rolling her eyes. ''What are we supposed to do now?'' The boy wondered, placing his hands into his trouser's pockets. 

''We're supposed to collect information on the topic we're writing about.'' Y/n sighed, mentally face-palming herself. Muichirou nodded, following Y/n around the exhibit like a lost puppy. Y/n scanned at every piece article in front of her. Reading them as much as she could. 

''Urgh, I don't think this would cut it.'' Y/n whispers as she crossed out the 4th title on her notepad as she squat in front of an article and its artefact. Muichirou only stood behind the girl, his head floating in clouds, wandering off into daydreams. 

Groaning in frustration, Y/n tapped the tip of her pen frantically on her notepad. Rubbing her head to think, even though her mind was blank at the moment. Turning to see the blank boy standing motionless behind her. Y/n frowned.  

''Could you stop daydreaming and help we find a good topic for our report?'' Y/n suggested in frustration, standing up to face her. Muichirou sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, ''Why not we just pick a random one, it wouldn't matter.'' he sighed. 

''This project's 30% of our grade, plus extra credits Muichirou.'' Y/n face-palmed. ''Oh? You said my name.'' the boy pointed out, tilting his head at her. ''What?? Nonsense, you're hearing things kelphead.'' the girl stuttered, quickly walking off. The boy let out a small breathy chuckled before following the girl once more. 

This went on for the next hour, Y/n frantically trying to find the best topic while Muichirou lazily dragged himself behind her. Y/n's notepad is probably dead by now. Y/n squat in defeat in front of another artefact of a broken silver plate, burying her head between her legs. 

Muichirou's mint eyes gazed softly at the girl's defeated form. Feeling a little pity for her, he sighed before standing up from the bench behind her and squatting beside her. Taking her notepad on his hands, he briefly scanned through the messy words written all over the page. 

''Wow, you really killed this notepad...'' Muichirou commented, flipping through the pages. ''Well, you weren't helping at all.'' Y/n commented giving the boy a death glare. ''Calm down Gooby.'' the boy said as his hand found it's way to her head, patting it. 

Instantly, Y/n felt her cheeks grew warmer from the boy's actions. Without another word, Muichirou stood up ad walked off, surveying the several articles with his mint eyes. His eyes quickly brushed through each and every world skillfully, glancing between the articles and Y/n notepad. 

It was Y/n's turn to follow Muichirou around, wondering what could possibly be going through the boy's mind. The girl marvelled at his reading speed, he eyes moved quickly between her notepad and the article on the wall. 

''The movement in his eyes is as quick as his movements when we sparred during fencing. Is this how he did it?'' the girl wonder, watching the boy. Suddenly the boy spoke, pointing to a display of an artefact and its article. ''Huh?'' the girl mumbled, turning to face the article he was pointing at. 

''The tale of the sorrowful lovers?'' 


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