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Our bedroom is unrecognizable by the time we're done. Nathan offers to pick Lucas up, so Pat and I add the finishing touches while he's gone.

"I bought some washi tape so we can label the drawers," Pat informs me, "You're on top because you won't be able to bend over in a few months, then me, Diana and finally Lucas, so he doesn't have to tiptoe. We'll clear out the wardrobe space and use it as some sort of storage."

I raise my thumbs in agreement and sit down; after not doing anything for days, this small activity has made me dizzy. "I'll just close my eyes for a minute Pat, my head is spinning."

"Wait, let me get you a smoothie. I promise it'll be nice." She rushes off before I can stop her.

We put the kids' old bunkbed where my bed used to be and the new one where Pat's was. Diana and Lucas's clothes are folded on the lower bed so they can sort out what they want when they get back.

I pick up the bear that was on the top bunk at their house and examine it. I can tell that it's old although it's not tattered; a lot of hemming has been done to keep an arm and ear on. I place it on Diana's bed, hoping that it's something that she wants.

My heart goes out for them and all the things they've had to go through at such a young age. I know D's tough act is only a shield to protect herself from getting hurt. I wish there was a way for me to help her through her pain.

Pat comes back with the smoothie but I'm not that tired anymore. We both sit on my bed as her eyes rake over the room. "I'm thinking we can all do something fun this evening, when the kids are done with their homework," I tell her.

"Does this 'we' involve Nathan?"

"No, 'we' as in the people who live in this house," I tell her with a chuckle, nudging her, "Nathan shall not be mentioned unless it's absolutely necessary."

"You do know he's coming back here with Lucas, right?" She laughs.

"You know, I actually forgot." We share a laugh and lay down on the bed. "Hopefully he'll leave before we start."

"Fat chance of that; this is basically his second house," she giggles. She exhales loudly before saying, "I can't believe this is our life now,"

"So many changes so fast, huh?"

"Yeah, but as crazy as it is, I'm enjoying the challenge; it's forcing us to grow up faster." She turns to me and pokes my arm, "are you going to be at your dad's place during your birthday, or will you be back by then?"

"It all depends on how things go with him I guess. I really hope they go well."

"Hey," bumping me with her shoulder, "Your dad loves you to bits, I'm sure once he sees you he'll be running down the driveway."

"I pray so," I reply, resting my head on her. "I don't know what I would do if it doesn't all work out."


I end up falling asleep and wake up to something rattling across the room. I squint as my eyes adjust to the light and find Lucas playing with some Lego by his bed.

"Lucas?" I groan as I sit up.

His eyes widen and he rushes to me. "Go back to sleep, I didn't mean to wake you up. I'm sorry, please don't tell Mr. Nathan or Pat," he whimpers.

Mr. Nathan? I smile.

"Hey, don't worry, you didn't wake me up," I say, pulling him unto the bed. "But I'm glad you're here. Are you done with your homework? Cause I want us to do some arts and crafts."

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