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"Are you sure he said eleven am?" I ask Nathan as I pick at my chicken salad. "It's the Monday after the Fourth; he might have partied all weekend and is hungover."

"Seriously, Ellie?" Pat scoffs, rubbing her eyes. "He's one of the best sexual assault attorney's in the state, I don't think he would bail or even come late."

"Tell me why again we're meeting here," I voice to no one in particular. The park is mainly empty apart from an elderly couple, and my dad and the kids who are entertaining themselves a few meters away.

"To help you feel less trapped; there are no walls that you may feel closing on you," Nathan responds, his head propped in his palm. He glances at his watch them smiles at me, "He has about fifteen minutes before he would be considered late, don't worry."

I nod and scratch my head nervously. The day after my birthday, Pat and Nathan accompanied me to the station to identify Mr. Williams' murder. Once we found out his name, I filed a police report and pressed charges for sexual assault. The pressure I felt during the process hasn't left my chest all weekend but my family made sure I never had a moment alone to feel down.

"You said you know the detective on the case, right?" Pat questions Nathan, her mouth full of fries. "Do you think you could find out anything?"

"Uh, I don't think I can," Nathan says with a grimace. "We're going to find out everything he's found out before the end of the week-"

"At the hearing right?" I interrupt, chewing on the inside of my cheek and staring at anything but them. "Do I have to be there? I mean... I don't think I can be in the same room as him. I- I haven't been sleeping."

"What? Dr. Clarissa gave you something for that, didn't she?" Pat sits up straighter, concern etching her face.

"I haven't been taking them," I admit slowly. "I know she said it's not going to affect the babies but..."

"Annelise," she groans in reply, rubbing her hands down her face.

Nathan covers my hands with his and gives it a small squeeze. "Don't worry about it, Annelise. Unfortunately, there has to be a preliminary hearing so the judge can hear your testimony and-"

"But fortunately, your case will be taken to court because of all the evidence we have," a voice says from behind me, causing me to jump. I turn to find a thin man and a wide, but kind, smile standing behind me. His hands are in the air in apology and he has a briefcase strapped across his chest. "I'm Emmanuel James, your attorney. Sorry for sneaking up on you like that."

I nod and offer him a weak smile, my voice suddenly not working. Pat to the rescue, she jumps up and offers Mr. James her seat, taking the empty one beside me. Once we're all seated, she rubs back, reassuring me and calming me a little.

"What were you saying?" She questions him, taking the lead.

"Permit me to speak bluntly, Ms. Allard; your pregnancy is enough evidence that there was sexual contact and-"

"But how will we prove it wasn't consensual?" Pat interrupts, her brows raised.

"I was getting to that... Ms. Gonzalez, was it?" He chuckles lightly. "I know you're on edge, but there's no need. You'll also have to testify on Ms. Allard's behavior after the incident, in as much detail as you can remember. I contacted your ex, Mr. Byrd, and he said he's willing to testify. Can you think of anyone else who can testify on your behalf?"

Frederic? Frederic said he'll testify for me? What if he gets up there and lies? Then what?

The pressure in my chest increases and I feel a panic attack coming on. I clench my jaw and take steady breathes; in through my nose and out through my mouth. I don't know how long it lasts for but when it passes, Pat and the lawyer are conversing and going over some notes. I glance at Nathan and he's studying me with a steady gaze.

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