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Someone is shaking me awake and I almost fall off the couch. "What's going on?" I yell, my surroundings coming into clarity.

"You have to wake up; you haven't eaten and your appointment is soon," Diana says, crouching in front of me.

I squint at her and look at the light streaming into the house. I jump up and begin searching for my phone. "What time is it?" I ask as I raise the cushions off the couch.

"It's 11 something," she replies as she moves out of my way. "What are you looking for?"

"My phone," I grunt.

"I don't think it's here; I didn't see you with it after you spoke to Nathan."

I stop abruptly as sleep clears from my mind, "Right. That's because I left it under my pillow." I sit on the couch and rub my eyes with a sigh, "Did y'all sleep here?"

"Nope. We tried to wake you up but... you must have been pretty tired."

"Have you guys eaten?"

"We ate cereal," she says with a nod.

"That's good; my type of people." I stand and head to the bedroom. "What about a bath? Have you taken your showers?"

"Uh, no... we woke up like two hours ago and kinda went to eat immediately," she tells me, abashed as she follows me to the room. Logan is on his bed playing with some action figures. He barely looks at me when I enter.

"Seriously, D? You woke up and the first thing you did was eat?"


I give her a blank look and shake my head, "I'm going to go find something to eat, and in the meantime, I want both of you to get ready for the day. Make sure Lucas has his homework in his backpack for when Nathan picks him up."

I'm too lazy to make a complicated breakfast so I opt for a bowl of cereal with some fruit. My head hurts but because I'm unsure whether or not Tylenol is safe for the babies, I push the feeling down. Diana and Lucas walk in while I'm cradling my head with my hands.

"We're done," she tells me, sitting across from me?

How long was I out of it?

I stand up but a dizzy spell forces me back down and I almost fall off the chair. Diana rushes to my side and steadies me.

"What the heck was that?" She asks, her voice clouded with fear.

"I- I don't know, but I'm fine now," I tell her, attempting to stand again.

"Oh heck no, sit down," she says, gently forcing me back down. "Has this happened before?"

"No, but I'm fine, D. And remember I have a doctor's appointment so if I'm not fine, which I am, she'll tell me."

She eyes me for a moment but relents and lets me up. "I'm helping you to the bathroom and I'm staying there till you're done."


"Shh, I'm not hearing it. Let's go. Lucas... watch TV or something, we'll be right back."


I sit on the couch with my head in-between my hands while Diana fetches me a glass of water. My head is still slightly throbbing but I don't feel as bad as I did earlier.

"I'm calling Pat," she says.

"No, I'm fine, plus she's busy," I tell her, my voice muffled from between my thighs.

"Then I'm calling Nathan; he'll know what to do. I'm not cut out for this and if anything happens to you, it'll be my fault."

"Diana there's no need for that; we're going to the hospital," I repeat, "There's no need to get anyone worried."

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