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"Oh thank God!" I exclaim, putting my phone down on the island's surface. I pick up the still-warm muffin before me and take a bite, savoring the taste.

"You okay?" Nathan asks as he walks into the kitchen, still in his pajamas. "I heard you from down the hall."

I send another thanks to God that Nathan isn't shirtless because I'm sure I would have choked and embarrassed myself.

"Um, I just received an email concerning the date for the trial and I'm glad all this court business is going to be wrapped up this month," I say in summary. I give him a smile as he sits across from me. "This is your seventh night here in eleven days, your apartment suddenly boring?"

"Anywhere you're not is boring," he says flippantly, a glint in his eye. "And I didn't know you were counting."

I laugh and stuff my face with more muffin, my face heating up.

"You know, I love the fact that you still act shy around me," he tells me with a smirk. "Makes my flirting come more easily."

"It's too early in the morning for this, Nathan," I choke out, throwing my muffin wrapper at him.

"Alright," he laughs, holding his palms up. "I'm glad the date has been announced, now we know when we're facing the final hurdle and prepare better. And I just want to be close to you." He unravels and scrunched the paper a couple of times, avoiding my eyes.

Just blurt it out.


Come on, ask him. Say it.

Like I told him; it's morning and too early.

It's not flirting. Say it!

"Do you want to be a father?"

Not like that, my subconscious groans. I meant more mature and sophisticated.

You said I should blurt it out!

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Uh, I was talking to D on Saturday, and we were talking about my dad becoming her dad, and them changing their surnames, and so-"

This is so stupid, we're not even engaged.

Shut up and keep going.

You shut up.

He has an eyebrow raised and a very confused expression on his face. Seconds pass as we stare at each other, with me hoping that he'll use his detective powers and figure out what I'm trying to say.

He's not a-

I told you to shut up.

"Where do you see our relationship going?"

Oh geez. I can basically hear her slapping her forehead.

He frowns, narrowing his eyes. "If you're asking if I want to marry you, I do, Annelise."

"Wait, I wasn't asking you- I mean, I was asking that, but like- I didn't-"

"I know you're not proposing, Annelise, that's my job," he chuckles. "You're wondering about us, and I'm letting you know I want to marry you. What's the point of this if that's not the end goal?"

"Right, right, okay. Um, so-"

"Do I want to be a father?" He sits straighter in his chair and smiles softly. "You're really funny, you know? What type of person- what type of man would I be if I didn't accept all of you? And forget accepting; I want all of you."

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