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"Mom, we can talk this out, like reasonable adults", I whined following her around the house.

"There's nothing to discuss, everything has already been put into place, the arrangements have already been made", Mom said placing the last of her clothes in her suitcase.

"You should've told me this in advance", I cried, "I don't even know these people".

"Exactly, and this flight will help you connect with them", She chimed placing the last of her bags outside her door.

"Well, I hope you know I plan on ignoring them the entire time", I retorted. She just smiled and shook her head. Feeling defeated I left her room.

what type of mother gets remarried to a man with 6 SONS!! Like now they got 7 children to take care of. Not that it's going to be an issue since she's marrying a super wealthy guy, I mean that's a plus.

But the thing is she didn't do it for the money, she loves this guy and he loves her, so I can't screw this up because my conscious will literally kill me. UGH, stupid morals.

"Amelia come down and meet your new family", Mom called.

"No, I wanna stay here with my friends, I don't wanna move", I whined. I could basically feel my mom's eye roll, I mean technically I imagine she rolled her eyes, but I felt it all the way up here.

"Amelia", Mom threatened. I'm not giving in that easy, woman you must be crazy.

"N-O spells no", I teased. I giggled as I heard her sigh.

"I'm sorry about her behavior she seems to be in her rebellious faze", Mom apologized. I giggled again as she stomped up the stairs, no this wasn't a happy giggle, this was the giggle you do when you know you're about to DIE.

"Amelia Madeline Racquet Ace Blaze", Mom started. Shit she used my full name, wait a second.

"Hold on before you beat me into tomorrow, I'm not a Blaze yet, cause you guys still haven't gotten married, so technically I don't know who that is", I said smartly.

Wrong move wrong move

"You seem to be in such a playful mood",

Let's just say after that I was getting my bags and walking downstairs. As soon as I was down, I set my bags, I refused to give into my mother's demands. These newbies better get ready because I'm not going to be an easy patient.

"Amelia come say hi", Mom commanded. I sighed and walked over.

"Hello, it's soo nice to meet you, it's like we have this amazing connection already", I said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as my mom squeezed my bicep.

"Well boys introduce yourselves", A deep voice chuckled, I could imagine that being my oh so lovely father. I didn't care to remember his name, but I didn't want to talk more than necessary.

"My name is Xavier, I'm the oldest", Another deep voice introduced I nodded looking at the floor. You know I really hope they don't try and kill me on this plane ride.

"My names Hunter second oldest",

They all introduced themselves, so far, we had Xavier as the oldest then, Hunter, then Dean, Xander, Lucas, and lastly the baby Jax. Well technically I'm the baby but we aren't related yet so haha motherfucker.

"And I am Michael your soon to be step dad", Michael told me. I nodded once again and then attempted to go to the kitchen, because I'm a hungry growing girl. Sike, the doctor said I won't grow anymore. -_-.

By attempted I mean my mom grabbed me before I could even turn around which led to a loud sigh by me and chuckled from the guys.

"Well, Amelia you are going to be flying to Jamaica with you brothers, while Michael and I take the cruise", Mom informed me. Like I haven't already heard this plan 20,000 times already.

"Yup, I know", I said. She shook her head and let me go.

So, let me catch you up, my mom came home one day with a big ass smile on her face. Why, because she met Michael, now at the time Michael didn't live in Texas he lived in Cali. I know how cliché a super-rich guy falls in love with your middle-class mother and declares his love. Soon, they end up falling deeper in love not telling either of their children until the time was right. When my mom told me, I was pissed bro.

Like as your daughter I'm your best friend cause like hello, we only got each other. But I couldn't really hold a grudge because this man made my mother so happy. I didn't want to ruin her excitement by me not liking him. HELL, I HAVEN'T EVEN MET THE GUY!

I made her promise to tell me all about her dates. I needed to know if this guy really cared. After extensive research aka sneaking to the restaurant they were at and assessing them. I figured he was an okay dude.

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