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I made her promise to tell me all about her dates. I needed to know if this guy really cared. After extensive research aka sneaking to the restaurant they were at and assessing them. I figured he was an okay dude.



Of course, my mother never figured out I was there because I'm a slick bitch. Then one day my mom came home with tears in her eyes. I was ready to throw hands, like he made my momma cry, no sir. But they were tears of love, ew. Turns out he proposed, I mean I didn't not expect it to happen they had been seeing each other for months but it still shocked me.

Like a good daughter I listened to her squeal about how excited she was, what she was going to wear and everything. Of course, she couldn't wear the same wedding dress she wore for my father's wedding that would be so fucking awkward. So, we looked online for good dress shops, me being the fashionable one in the family picked out places that looked reliable and nice. I mean the guy said he was going to pay for everything so, I took that to my full advantage.


Once my mom picked out a dress that she absolutely adored we bought it, fitted it and we even got new shoes, and a dress for me because I'm important. So, after that we went to find flowers and a good chef to cater food. All that good stuff. I had a blast wedding shopping I think I found my profession. I want to be a wedding planner, it's so fun.

Later, in the week Mikey called and said that they should to a destination wedding. They threw places around but it was me who said Jamaica. They ended up choosing Jamaica and I felt like I did a good deed.

After long hours of searching and everything we got the venue. We got the chef, flowers, bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dress, groom tuxes. For obvious reasons Michael did that part, as his sons were the groomsmen.

We set up everything flights, for the special people all the extras were paying themselves. It wasn't going to be a. big wedding because most of my family came from my father, who isn't going to be attending. Duh.

So, here we are now bags packed strangers at the door ready to get to the airport. I let a small smile slip as my mom was playing around with Mike. He spun her in the air, she looked happier than I ever saw her with dad. I kinda missed him.

"I saw that", I husky voice whispered in my ear. I jumped away from the voice. Trying to tell myself that it wasn't him.

I grumbled and wiped the smile of my face. I turned and came face to face with a stomach. I looked up to see a guy with tattoos all around his neck. I gasped, wtf, he has so many. I let my eyes wonder to his arms as he had a bunch of tats covering them.

"You know since we're going to be related soon all that staring might get you in trouble", He teased. I blushed in embarrassment; I really need to put faces to the names.

"Who are you again", I questioned, it came out ruder then I expected.

"Xander", He replied. I nodded retaining the information, that just leaves 5 more to go. I looked around, and looked at all of my brothers who seemed to be entranced by their phones. They all looked scary and threatening, except who I think was the youngest he looked inviting a teddy bear.

I wondered off from Xander over to my mother who was currently on the phone with who I assume is my grandmother. You've got to detect the tone of her voice. With grandma it's lower and less enthusiastic, with her friends it's high pitched and over exaggerated. With lover boy guess what it's full of love and she sounds weird. You got to learn this stuff it's vital. Because you need to know who is safe to cut off and who isn't. Like lover boy you can't cut him off you'll be in danger.

"Mom", I murmured nudging her arm. She turned slightly towards me, signaling that she heard me. I widened my eyes telling her this is urgent.

Sighing she said, "Mom, I'm going to have to call you back Amelia's calling me".

"What", she asked.

"Ok, so HAVE YOU SEEN MY SOON TO BE BROTHERS", I whisper shouted, not trying to have them over hear.

"Yes, I have I'm taking you did too",

"Yes, yes and it is not okay, have you seen them they look like they're ready to kill anybody who aggravates them, they could be in the mafia, like you think I'm bad like they could kill me in my sleep on this flight, take me with you", I whined and sobbed.

"You're not coming with me, because Michael and I are having alone time", Mom said. I sighed.

"You have all the time in the world during your honeymoon", I cried.

"You do realize you're going to be alone with them more during our honeymoon right", Mom told me. I froze, shit, shit, shit. "Plus, you have to connect with them they aren't that bad once you get to know them".

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