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^mom's dress

~Day of the Wedding~

I woke up to a heavyweight on my chest, I couldn't breathe. 

"SIS WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GET READY", Mandy yelled in my ear. I pushed her off my chest, silently thanking the lord this fatty was off me.

"Damn I couldn't breathe", I muttered as I swung my legs over the side of the bed. "Are you saying I'm fat", She challenged.

"I mean...", I started but then I remembered if I finished my sentence I would be dead in seconds. "No, not at all", I chuckled nervously.

"Alrighty then that's what I thought, now come on girl we need to do facials, it's a good thing we got our nails done before because we wouldn't have had enough time to do it now", She said, I stopped listening as she started rambling and just started walking to the bathroom.

"Alrighty then that's what I thought, now come on girl we need to do facials, it's a good thing we got our nails done before because we wouldn't have had enough time to do it now", She said, I stopped listening as she started rambling and just sta...

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I needed to take a shower, I had planned to clean my face in the shower and that is what I'm going to do.

The theme for the wedding was red and gold, the girls were wearing red and the guys were wearing gold.

"Mandy come on we have to get dressed", I yelled stressing as it became closer and closer to the time the wedding was set to start.

"Hold on SOME OF US AREN'T NATURALLY PRETTY", She answered back. I don't know how to respond to that without sounding like a prick. If I say she's pretty she'll think I'm only saying that and if I say I'm not pretty it'll sound like I'm fishing for compliments.

So I decided to just shut up.

I got the dresses from the closet and laid them out on the bed, they were red satin v-line dresses. The difference between Mandy and I's dresses was that mine was floor length and had a long slit, while hers was short.

After we had gotten changed we put on our shoes, we were wearing the same shoes, gold stilettos. 

Rushing down the stair we met up with the rest of moms friends who were also bridesmaids

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Rushing down the stair we met up with the rest of moms friends who were also bridesmaids. They were supposed to be doing our hair, and then we were done with getting ready.

All of the bridesmaids had the same hairstyle, but some added accessories so they could stand, I added a gold clip mom had given me some time ago

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All of the bridesmaids had the same hairstyle, but some added accessories so they could stand, I added a gold clip mom had given me some time ago. I mean it came in handy did it not?

"Come on girls go take your places", My grandma my mom's mother said ushering us out of the room. 

"Hi grandma", I smiled hugging her careful not to mess up my hair. "I'm just happy she got rid of that other boy she was dating before", she mumbled hugging me back.

"Grandma you know they were married right?"

"We don't talk about that", She told me before pushing me out the room as well. 

ok then

"I'm so excited and nervous and scared at the same time", Mandy told me. "Why are you nervous".

"Well for one I have to walk down the aisle with one of your brothers, I mean like girl I'm scared just by looking at them", She said. I laughed, but then stopped as I realized something.

"Wait I have to walk down the aisle with one of them TOO", 

"Yes dumbass", She said rolling her eyes.

"Omg, now I'm scared", I mumbled. 

"Girls focus", Grandma said hitting us on the head with her purse. 

"Ow what the f-", I stopped myself, thankfully I stopped myself. If I hadn't I'd probably be dead, deader than dead.

"....", She walked away but not before giving me a warning look. 

After that, we stopped talking and waited until it was our turn to walk down the aisle. 

^ the boy's suits

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^ the boy's suits

Lucas and I were walking down the aisle together when he said, "Thank God I'm walking with you I don't think I could've lasted this long if I had to smell that old lady perfume the whole way down", He told me.

"Oh my God....just don't let me fall", I told him sternly. He nodded and we started walking as we got the cue it was our turn. 

As we got closer to the altar, he spun me and then we split and went to our respective sides. I had gotten there just in time to see Mandy come down the aisle with Jax. 

The pianist started playing 'here comes the bride', and all of our eyes went to look at my mom who started walking down the aisle. I smiled brightly as I saw her looking all pretty, she looked absolutely stunning.

I looked over at Michael and saw tears in his eyes, smiling I knew that he really loved her. 

~Wedding Dinner~

Everyone was having a good time, people were talking and laughing with friends they haven't seen in a long time. And I had met some of my cousins from different countries.


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