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"Yup do you have any else to say", I asked quite rudely. My mom pinched me but my reflexes moved me out the way before she could. Haha sucker.

"We're here", The driver informed us. I so happy to get out of this car, I pushed my mom out before jumping out myself.

"That was the awkwardest car ride ever", I told her. She just smiled and took one of my bags. I placed my backpack onto my back because I didn't want to mix it up with the other bags. My mom and Michael were only there to see us off. They weren't actually going to be entering the airport.

Which means I have to be with the Mafia brothers alone for even longer.

Holanda's P.O.V.

I gave my daughter a squeeze as she was ready to enter.

"I love you and stay safe", I told her. She smiled, I was happy to see her smile, she hasn't done it recently since the wedding announcement.

I know she is uncomfortable being with the boys but I know she'll be okay. I grilled them all on safety, and I needed to make sure they didn't hurt my baby. She's been through a lot, but now she's going to have 6 older brothers to protect her. I think it's a blessing in disguise.

Releasing my daughter, I went over to the boys and told them.

"Please make sure she's safe, I know she's going to be difficult but she's not that bad, and she's allergic to apples, bananas, and strawberries, but she'll try to eat them", I informed them.

"Don't worry we'll take care of her", Xavier reassured. I nodded and gave them each a quick hug.

I looked at my daughter who was once again on her phone and chuckled at the height differences. She was 5'4 while the boys all seemed to be above 6'. It was quite comical.

"Bye", I shouted as Michael and I entered the limo again. I wondered how the plane ride was going to be for them. It wasn't a secret that I was worried, I'm a little on edge when it comes to plane rides.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine", Michael assured me. I nodded and snuggled into his shoulder. I'm so excited for our alone time.

Amelia's P.O.V.

As soon as the left we were on our way inside to go to drop off our luggage. I didn't really want to strike up a conversation due to the fact that I didn't really know these people. I'm pretty sure we'll have plenty of time for introductions after the wedding.

I'm excited about the wedding because my best friend Mandy is going to be there so, we already know what's about to go down. Mandy and I are going to be in the same hotel since she's also flying in today. I'm excited.

"Don't wander", Xander instructed me placing his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm not stupid I know that", I told him shrugging off his hand. Just because I'm shorter doesn't mean I'm your armrest.

"You're our little sis, we need to protect you", Jaxs told me. I'm pretty sure he's Jaxs right.

"I'm not related to you yet, and I barely know your names", I said, walking faster. Which did nothing as they caught up easily.

"Well, you see the one with the most tats is Xavier, and the one with blondish hair is Hunter, Redhead is Dean, and the one who doesn't talk much is Lucas, and I am the most amazing Jaxs", He informed me. I nodded finally I could connect the names to faces. But I'm still going to just call them Mafia brothers.

Xavier and Hunter took care of putting the luggage on the rolling thingy, while I texted Mandy who was already on her flight. She told me that she was watching Deadpool 2, and I got so excited because I just remembered something.

We're going to be in first-class and I'm going to be able to watch TV. Omg this is going to be great; I wonder if I could get me a strawberry and banana smoothie. They probably don't have those, but they taste AMAZING. I mean yeah, they give me hives and red eyes but it's worth it man.

One time I ate an apple and damn, I almost died my throat was closing up and it was the one time I didn't have Benadryl. Let's just say hospital trips are very common.

People are like an apple a day keeps the doctors away. Bitch, please an apple a day digs my grave.

"On to security", Jaxs commented, I looked up and saw all of them walking away. Wow, rude leaving me behind, I started walking to catch up to them, but damn they got some long ass legs. I was not, not going to run, lemme tell you that right now.

"Hurry up", I heard a deep voice command. Rude. Well maybe you need to slow down. I huffed and speed-walked over to security. Luckily my bag was light so when I put it in the tray, I didn't have to crack my back. I placed my phone and earbuds into the tray. The lady told me I didn't have to take off my shoes so I was happy about that.

"Next", The guy announced.

I walked through the scan thing and let out a sigh of relief when it was green. I didn't have anything to hide but it would be embarrassing to be caught as one of their random checks. Plus, Dean looked like he just wanted to knock me out if I slowed them down anymore. Or maybe it was my imagination.

After we all went through and had gathered our belongings, it was off to find the terminals. It took less time than I expected, and I was doing a happy dance inside because we were boarding in 15 minutes. Meaning that I didn't have to wait hours and hours for the fricking plane to come and get cleaned and everything.

I took a seat and started to scroll through Instagram. I fangirled over every hot guy I saw. I had great friends who tagged me to look at other cute guys. Omg, how does God create such beautiful people, I can't.

"Who is that," Lucas asked me. I had been scrolling my Hemsworth brother collection my friends and I had made.

"A person",

"Your boyfriend", He questioned. I giggled, before I burst out laughing, omg he thought Liam Hemsworth was my boyfriend. Oh, child that's rich.

"You're joking right", I asked, he shook his head. My mouth dropped this man didn't know who Liam Hemsworth was.

"You don't know who he is", I queried. He shook his head. "What the fuck dude, where have you been, he is an actor, and a fucking fine specimen", I ranted.

"Watch your language", Xavier told me. He speaks.

"Nah, I think it's a free country so I can say the fuck I want", I retorted. He glared at me and inside I was literally curling into a ball shielding myself from the smack that was about to come. But on the outside, I was staring right back at him, I was playing a dangerous game.

"Flight 928 to Jamaica is ready to board, if we have any children under the age of 4 and any pregnant mothers please board", The flight attendant announced on the loudspeaker. A couple of people got up seeing the fit the description and boarded the plane.

The mafia brothers and I stood up and got ready as it was going to be our turn next.

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