Chapter 2: Megalodon

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Quinn showed Chris around the aircraft carrier, eventually making it to the command center. "This is where we can watch everything as we head home," said Quinn, "we have four submarines around us, two in front and two behind, we use them for an extended radar." Chris looked around at the complex controls and said, "so we get home using a complex super computer?" Quinn smiled and said, "yeah basically, all you have to do is sit back and watch though, there isn't much you can do without training."

One of the other men inside the control room got a distress signal from the submarine to the rear left of the aircraft carrier. He waved Quinn over and played the message, it was rough, cutting in and out. "Carrier one... big shark... red glowing eyes..." that was the last that was heard of the submarine, it disappeared off the radar and took with it close to one fourth of the radar. Carboss talked with Chris inside their head, "something ain't right kid. whatever that was it's out for blood. Let me have control."

Quinn didn't know what to say, she walked over to Chris and asked what he thought. Carboss took over and responded, "while the kid's in shock, but I think we need to prepare for a fight. Whatever that thing is, it's big and out for blood. We need to kill it before it kills us." Another submarine disappeared off the radar without a trace, leaving no submarines at the back of the carrier. "Like that," Carboss said, "it's gonna take us out one by one until it gets to the carrier."

A giant dorsal fin breached the surface for a few moments before going back under. Quinn saw it and said, "that looked like a great white shark." Carboss said, "it was to big, a great white's is only about one and a half feet tall. That dorsal fin was about five and a half feet tall. Besides, if that's what's taking out the submarines, a great white would be to small. I think that might be the last surviving megalodon."

Quinn asked, "what makes you think that?" Carboss said, "I was curious one day, looked up some size info on them, their dorsal fins are estimated to be about five and a half feet tall. Also a meg is the only predator that could be alive big enough to take down multiple submarines by itself." The submarine at the front right went off the radar, leaving only one submarine on the radar to the front left of the carrier.

One by one, the pieces of the submarines that had gone off the radar and the blood of the crew that was on board started to float to the surface. The last submarine started to climb quickly on the radar before disappearing quickly. Carboss realized what was about to happen but wasn't prepared for the amount the carrier moved. Nobody was prepared for the amount the carrier moved.

The megalodon breached the water, submarine in mouth, waving back and forth violently as it's eyes blazed a fiery red glow as the first submarine had said. The carrier leaned violently to the right as the wave caused by the megalodon pushed it away. Quinn and Carboss fell, Carboss hit the floor, Quinn hit a counter and lost consciousness. Carboss ran out of the control room, slid down the latter, and ran to get the biggest guns he could find. Chris said, "wait, where are you going Quinn could be hurt?" Carboss responded, "kid, if we don't kill that thing everyone is gonna be hurt and probably dead. We can worry about her later, but right now we kill that thing. It isn't indestructible it's just a question of if we have guns big enough." Carboss found two rocket launchers and four grenade belts under the deck in the armory. He strapped them all onto his back and over his shoulders and ran back to the deck.

"Ok kid," said Carboss, "it's time I taught you something you didn't know we could do." Carboss let two pairs of wings shoot out from his back, one was feather and white like an angel's, the other was a grey leathery pair like a bat's. Carboss lifted the leathery pair and said, "kid, you can help me by lifting the second pair of wings, we can work together on this." Chris made the second pair of wings rise and together Carboss and Chris launched off the deck and into the air. Carboss looked down at the surface of the water and watched as the fifty-two foot long monster slowly circled the carrier. Carboss flew over the carrier and gave one big flap of the leathery wings, breaking the sound barrier as he took off at an extremely fast speed, the megalodon followed him under the water, the only thing visible from the surface was it's huge dorsal fin.

Quinn came to and stood up. She turned to the nearest crew mate and asked, "where did he go?" The crew mate simply pointed to where Carboss had slowed down and started circling around a small area of sea. The megalodon breached with an open mouth going straight for Carboss who launched both rocket launchers at the beast of a shark, then started plucking grenades off the belts, pulling the pins out with his mouth as he threw one after the other down the meg's throat. The meg landed back in the water and swam under the surface. Carboss said, "it isn't dead, just weakened, stay alert kid." Chris said, "yeah but where did it go?"

The meg jumped back out of the water and locked Carboss into it's huge mouth before landing back into the water. Quinn watched in horror as she thought her friend was just swallowed by a blood thirsty monster, she gave the order to get the boat out of the area as fast as possible. Carboss was still alive inside the mouth of the meg though, gripping onto the basihyal at the bottom of the meg's mouth. He spoke to Chris and said, "kid, I'm putting away your wings, they'll only slow us down," the feathery wings retracted back, leaving only the solo pair of leathery wings. Carboss then said, "kid, I'm gonna punch the bottom of this shark's mouth, when I do that there will be a massive amount of water that runs in, when that happens we are getting out of here and going for the surface, once there we are flying straight for the boat, watch the shark cause if it jumps I think I can kill it."

Chris agreed and said, "let's do it." Carboss lifted one fist while the other held the basihyal tightly. With all his force he struck the bottom of the mouth, sending a shock wave through the water as the mouth burst open making water rush in. Carboss let go of the basihyal and used the wings as fins, quickly slipping out of the meg's mouth and to the surface. Once he broke the surface he flew slow enough for the megalodon to keep up. He knew that it had to die before he could return to the carrier, otherwise it would attack the carrier and everyone on it.

Just then the megalodon breached the water again trying to eat Carboss. Carboss easily flew out of it's reach, around to the top of the head, and charged with all his force, punching the megalodon in the center of the top of the head, killing it instantly. The glow faded from it's eyes as it fell back into the ocean belly up and floated below the surface.

Carboss flew back to the carrier, landed, retracted the leathery pair of wings, and gave control back to Chris. Quinn ran over and gave him a hug and said, "don't ever scare me like that again, if you die I have one less friend." Chris hugged her back and asked, "when are we going home?" Quinn responded, "we're on our way, we'll be home soon."

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