Chapter 1 - Explosion

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On one peaceful day at Beacon Academy, team RWBY was in their room, all busily occupied. Blake was reading her book, Yang was asleep, and Weiss was studying. Or more like, was trying to study with Ruby bothering her. Whether Weiss enjoyed it or not, it was a normal day at Beacon for team RWBY.

"Ugh Ruby, can't you see that I'm trying to study?! Will you quit bothering me and-"

It was then they heard a loud explosion in the middle of their room. Soon, smoke filled the room making team RWBY cough like crazy. Blake dropped her book out of surprise, Yang jumped out of her bed and tried to punch away the smoke. Yes, she tried to "punch" away the smoke with her fist, not sway it away. Weiss was yelling at Ruby because for somewhat reason she thought Ruby was the cause of the explosion. And so Ruby was trying to defend herself by yelling "It wasn't me!". In the middle of this chaos, the smoke started to clear slowly, and team RWBY was now able to hear some chatter and coughing. But... the chattering wasn't theirs. Wait, what?

"That, was, awesome!"

Someone shouted. Although the voice sounded pretty familiar, that someone, was not from team RWBY.

"No!! That was not!! Ack! Now my clothes are all dirty!"

"Ah come on Ice Queen. That was awesome."

Ice Queen? At the mention of the name, team RWBY all searched for Weiss. When the smoke cleared enough to let everyone's faces visible, Weiss met three pairs of eyes staring at her.


"They said something about Ice Queen."

Yang shrugged.

"Who's... they?"

With that, the team RWBY all started to look around the room. It really wasn't hard looking for people gathered in the middle of the tiny room. Two of "them" were sitting, and two were standing. It was funny how these supposed-to-be strangers looked pretty familiar.

One of them had long, wavy, yellow hair, and purple eyes filled with excitement. It seemed as she was the one screaming about how amazing all this was. The one beside her had short black hair and calm amber eyes. A pair of cat ears showing on top of her head made it obvious that she was a Faunus. She tried to calm the one with yellow hair, telling her to please be quiet. The other one had white hair, confident sapphire eyes, and a scar across her left eye. Even a three-year-old would be able to figure out that she was the 'Ice Queen' getting referred to. The last one had long brownish hair reaching up to her butt with a red tip at the end, tied low. She wore a red cape reminding someone. Though, she had an eye patch covering one of her silver eyes. No, not just an eye, the whole part of the face. Well, they weren't sure if they could call that an eye patch since it looked more like a piece of cloth snitched onto her face as if it was part of her skin.

"What the...."

Yang mumbled at the scene. The other four seemed awfully familiar but something was off.

The 4 intruders made eye contact with team RWBY and started to panic. Except for the one with cat ears. She looked a little shook but still remained calm trying to process the situation.

"Yang! You messed up! What is this?!"

The one wearing the red cape scolded the yellow-haired girl, no, woman.

"Shut up, I figured."

"Is this... Beacon Academy?"

The white-haired girl asked to no one but only to herself as she walked near the one in a red cape.

"Seems like it. Look, there are younger versions of us."

The red cape woman shrugged.

"Great. This is just great."

"Wait what is-just what's going on?! Who are you people?!"

Weiss shouted as she pointed at the intruders. The 4 intruders took a quick glance at each other, hesitating to answer Weiss' question.

"Ok, let's just make something sure. This is Beacon Academy, and you're Weiss Schnee, am I correct?"

The woman wearing a red cape asked.

"Yes but.. How'd you know?"

Weiss answered, but asked suspiciously with the weapon in her hand. Well, she wasn't the only one with the weapon. Blake, Yang, and Ruby all had weapons ready in their hands, about to attack the intruders if anything was to go wrong. The intruders smiled awkwardly at the scene, and the brown-haired woman answered as calmly as she could be.

"Well... Hello Weiss, team RWBY. We are.... you."

A/N. So, this is the first chapter! If you've read my original fanfiction, you'd probably notice that not much has changed. The whole plot didn't change, but I just rewrote the chapters so that it is easier to read. Well... I hope that it'll be easier to read... maybe...

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