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The atmosphere amongst the team was a little different from usual. But none of them could figure out what the difference is nor what the cause of the difference was. They all just continued with their daily life, not knowing that their lives have changed just a little. 


A woman with a red cape was standing in a tall building, looking out the window. She had long, black hair tied low with a red tip at the end. The woman had a small, tiny notebook in her hand. The notebook was a little torn and ripped, showing that it was an old one. 

The woman carefully touched her clean face with her hand. Her two silver eyes seemed to glow under the sunlight shining in through the window.

"... Something feels off..."

The woman murmured. She turned her back towards the window and greeted a woman in white as she walked through the door into the room. The woman was a little shorter than the woman wearing a cape. Everything she owned was white. All of her clothes and even her hair was white! She had a scar going through her left eyes which was bright blue.

"Hey, Weiss."

"Ruby, what were you doing in here?"

"Just looking for something old."

"Something old?"

"Wanna see?"

Ruby held out her old notebook for Weiss to see. Weiss walked up to Ruby, grabbed the notebook, and flipped through the pages.

"... Was this from when we're in Beacon?"

Weiss asked as she read the years written on the corner of the pages. 

"October 17th, nine. November 2nd, five. New record, March 21st, seventeen. July 14th, seven. and so on... It has numbers written down almost every single day. What is this?"

Weiss questioned and closed the notebook. She handed the notebook back to Ruby.

"It's a notebook which I kept track of how many times you called me a dolt in a day."

Ruby said with a smile as she received her notebook again.

"Seriously? You did something like that on my back? I can't believe you."

"You're not gonna believe who helped me made this."

"Let me guess, Yang?"

"Nope. It was Blake."

"I really can't believe any of you."

Older Ruby only laughed as she placed the notebook on her desk. 

"So, how were Yang and Blake?"

"They were good. You should've come too, Ruby."

"Nah, I just had some research I had to do. So, how are they with their babies?"

"It's like a disaster there. I just can't handle that kid. She's so energetic. Too much energy. She's just like Yang."

"Haha, I know right? That kid was something."

"I still can't believe those two decided to get a kid already though. I thought they would get a kid a little later."

"That's what I thought too. I wonder what made them want a kid so badly. Well, at least they're happy together. I'm a little too younger for a kid yet, but they make me want to get a kid as well."

Ruby said as she scratched the side of her head.

"We can get a kid when we're both ready. I don't think either of us is ready to become a parent yet."

"That's what I think as well. Anyways, would you like to go out?"


"Dinner. It's already six. What do you say to a dinner date?"


"Let's go."

The two left the room as they chatted with each other. Something's changed. But Ruby couldn't tell what. She wondered but could never get an answer for her wonders. But she was fine with it as long as her team was with her. 

~ End ~

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