Chapter 9 - Bumblebee

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Ruby took out her scroll and texted Weiss. Let's not ask why she decided to only inform Weiss when she had to inform the whole team to get back.

"Well then, let's get back."


Chapter 9

Blakes and Yangs met each other on the way back to the room.

"Oh kitties? Did you not go through the window this time?"

Yang asked as she teased. I mean, they did go out through the window. So it was only fair to assume that they'd come back in from where they've left.

"No. There were people with open windows and everything this time. We couldn't go that way."


The four walked in silence for a while until they were sure that no one was nearby.

"Well, thank god no one's really out in the halls."

"Yea but strange. Where are all the students?"

Older Blake asked.

"It's the weekend. Either all outside of school or at the library studying. Or in the combat area for training."

"I see."

Younger Yang explained and the four started to chit-chat about whatever came up to their mind. It was mostly about their teammates though, since the older Blake and Yang didn't have much they could talk about.

"And so..."

Younger Yang started with a smirk, giving others some chills. 

"Any plans for kids? Ey?"

"Ugh, Yang. No."

Older Blake groaned as she facepalmed. She looked at younger Yang, then older Yang, and sighed.

"You haven't changed much."

"Ah come on. What's the harm kitty?"

Older Yang laughed as if she liked where this was heading.

"Oh, I've just noticed. Is that a pet name?"

Younger Yang asked. She sure did get off of topic real quick.

"Yup. It's kind of like how Ruby calls Weiss 'Princess'."

"Ah. Cringe."

"Tell me about it. Ruby only called her a princess in a sarcastic way at first. But guess what? Turns out that Ice Queen liked being called a Princess."

Two Yangs laughed and joked around as they made fun of... Well... Mostly Weiss.

"I'm telling this to Weiss."

Older Blake said and younger Blake nodded as if she'd do so as well.

"Oh wait kitty. Aw, come on. Don't do that. You don't want your wife to be frozen up, do ya?"

"Sometimes I do. Especially that mouth of yours."

"I know you like the kisses from this mouth though."

Older Yang finger-gunned at her partner and winked. Did that make Blake blush? No. It made her groan and Blake reconsider her life choices.

"Are you sure you don't want to remake any choices?"

"I don't know at this point."

"Aw come on. Don't be so cruel."

Older Yang giggled as she put her arm around her partner's waist. Blake rolled her eyes but smiled a little as she knew that she couldn't hate Yang for real anyways.

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