Chapter 4 - Chaos

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"Anyways, there's no point in discussing what was already done. I think that these little fellas need some explaining."

Chapter 4

"Yes, we would greatly appreciate some explaining."

Younger Weiss groaned, and Blake hummed. She didn't exactly look shocked, but she did look a little confused.

"Mmhmm, it'd be great if you guys didn't leave us out and go on talking to each other about something we don't know. So, as you were saying."

Blake paused and turned towards her teammates, Weiss and Ruby.

"Those two will be dating each other."

Then she stared at Yang.

"And we, Yang and I will be dating each other as well?"

"Yup. That's how it is, kitty."

Older Yang clarified with a wink. The room once again fell into silence, but Weiss soon broke the silence by freaking out and pointing her fingers to nearly everywhere, and everyone.

"I, can't, believe, this!"

She shrieked as her face started to turn a little red from what they assumed as anger.

"I, Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company will date this dolt!? This idiot?!"


Younger Ruby tried to protest, but of course, Weiss didn't hear her. 

"It happens, so just accept it, kiddo. You won't believe how clingy you get to me when you grow older."

Older Ruby teased as she laughed and her partner only sighed as she walked closer to the younger team RWBY.

"Well then, let me properly introduce myself once more. I am Weiss Rose, in a matter of fact, as I took after her last name."

"You what?!"

"Geez, would you calm down? I can't believe that you're yelling from the top of your lung like that even when you introduced yourself as the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company."


Older Weiss said calmly and younger Weiss could only keep her mouth shut for a while.

"Wait so, you guys are... married? Not only dating?"

"Yes, and so are Yang and Blake."

Older Ruby answered Blake's question which made her dumbfounded. Yang took a few seconds to process everything she just heard, then yelled,

"Wait, so we're all gay?! And even better, gay for each other? Damn, our team name should've been team gay, or rainbow, or whatever. Oh wait. But did Blake and I didn't take each other's last name or anything?"

"Team Gay doesn't really sound professional. Well, to Weiss and Blake it didn't, anyway, no. We kept our names. We don't have too. Ice Queen here was just being a little extra. She's like, really clingy. Really."

"Yang, shut up."

"Oof, so you already suggested it? I guess they backfired considering that you guys are still team RWBY."

Yang joked as if this information didn't bother her at all.

"Does this... not bother you? At all?"

Weiss asked quietly as she still tried to calm herself down from what she had just heard.

"No, why should I be?"

"Because... you're... gonna marry Blake?"

"And why would that be a bother? Like, who wouldn't want to marry a cat Faunus girl?"

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