Chapter 11 - Farewell

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"Nah, not yet. I just got... feelings."


"Yup. Feelings that they'll be here soon."

Chapter 11

"Do you guys really trust her 'feelings' though?"

Younger Weiss asked with a finger quotation mark.

"Eh, yea. Why not. They're pretty accurate actually."

"Is that so..."

All eight of them were gathered up in the dorm room again. It's been around two hours since they all separated. 

"Huh, it's been longer than I thought."

"The talk went on pretty long and I didn't even notice."

Older Ruby chit-chatted as they waited for the 'hunters' to come and get them. The younger team RWBY just silently listened to them talk since they didn't want to interrupt them.

"So, what did you guys talk about?"

Yang asked.

"Eh, nothing much. Just fooled around I guess."

Ruby replied with a shrug. None of them spoke for a moment, but Weiss soon broke the silence.

"So... is something going to explode in our room again when you guys are well... going back?"

"We don't know. But most likely. Yes."

Ruby answered and younger Weiss only sighed. 

"Will you guys remember what happened?"

Younger Ruby asked. Older Ruby said that the younger ones' memories will be deleted, but she said nothing about what would happen to themselves from the future. 

"I don't think so. Because we're not supposed to have knowledge of how to time travel, remember?"


Older Ruby smiled. No one spoke for a moment.

"It is soon."

Ruby randomly blurted out. No one said anything but only waited for something to happen. After a few seconds which felt like forever has passed, a cloud of smoke started to fill the room slowly. 

Older team RWBY stood side-by-side and waited for the smoke to completely fill the room. After a short moment, now only the silhouette of the people in the room was visible. 

"Well then, it's a farewell."

Older Ruby said.

"Goodbye, guys!"

Yang shouted.

"It was a fine experience meeting you all."

Weiss said calmly.

"Take care."

Blake said. 

Younger team RWBY also said goodbye to their older selves and tried to keep their eyes open as wide as possible to see what would happen.

But soon a loud explosion occurred in the room once again. It was just like how team RWBY from the future appeared in the dorm room at first. A loud explosion and smoke. The only difference is after the first explosion, team RWBY from the future was in the past, and after the second explosion, team RWBY from the future was now gone. 

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, and Blake started to cough with their mouth covered with their sleeves. When they opened their eyes again, the room was clean. No smoke, no intruders from the future. The four of them blinked with a blank expression. They all felt a little light-headed as if they just woke up from a good nap. The first one to snap out of drowsiness was Blake. She shook her head sideways and looked around.

"... What was I doing?"

As if Blake's statement was a signal of some sort, the rest of team RWBY started to snap out of drowsiness one-by-one. They looked around their room. For some reason, they were all gathered by Weiss' bed, with two chairs placed in front of the beds for certain reasons.

"What happened? Ugh, I feel sick."

Weiss said as she rubbed the side of her head.

"Wah-it's already five?!"

Ruby suddenly shouted after checking the time on her scroll.

"But when I last checked it was like one or something! Am I losing my mind?"

Ruby said worriedly. Surprisingly, no one else in the room had the memories left from between one to five o'clock. 

"Maybe we were all too tired out from the festival these days. We need some rest."

Yang suggested. They all did feel awfully tired for some reason. 

"You're right. I do feel a little tired."

Weiss agreed as she stretched her arms out. 

"Maybe we should get some sleep."

"It's too early to go to bed though. Don't you think?"

Weiss declined Yang's suggestion. 

"Well then... maybe we can all go out for dinner? I mean, just relaxing and grabbing some good food is also taking a rest, isn't it?"

Ruby recommended.

"Hmm, why not. Sounds good to me."

Weiss nodded but Yang sat at the edge of Blake's bed. And no, she did not ask for Blake's permission before doing so.

"I think I'll just stay in my room today."

"Me too. I feel a little sick."

Yang and Blake said. When their eyes met, they both got a feeling they were forgetting something very important, but they just couldn't figure what that was. They had their eyes locked to each other for a long time.

"Then Weiss, what do you say to a dinner date with me?"

Ruby asked with a smile on her face.

"Wha-a date?!"

"Well yea, if those two aren't going, it's only us two, isn't it?"

Weiss blushed at the word 'date'. She hesitated but soon nodded in an agreement.

"Fine, I'll go with you."

"Yay! You're the best!"

Ruby hugged Weiss and started to drag her out of the room at an instance. 

"So... I guess it's just us two now then, huh? Can we call this a date as well?"

Yang asked jokingly.

"Maybe. Depends on how you want to think about it."

"Then I'll say that it's a date. What do you say, Blake?"

"Sure, we can call it a date. Why not?"

The two shared a small laugh. 

The atmosphere amongst the team was a little different from usual. But none of them could figure out what the difference is nor what the cause of the difference was. They all just continued on with their daily life, not knowing that their lives have changed just a little. 

A/N. So that was basically the last chapter! Thanks for reading everyone! I still do have an epilogue left, but this is the last chapter with a proper story. :)

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