Chapter 8 - Capes, Leaders, and Family

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"Huh, Ice Quee, or more like Ruby wants us back."

"Well then, let's head back. We don't want Ice Queen to freeze both of us for being late, do we?"


Chapter 9

Two leaders simply used their semblance to easily get to the top of the building without getting caught by others. Even if people saw rose petals on the floor, they'd only assume that Ruby went by. They wouldn't possibly get an idea of two Rubys using their semblance to run through the halls.

"Ah~ Fresh air."

Older Ruby said as she stretched her arms out. They were where Phyrrah and Jaune were for training. Oh yes, they did have to make sure that Cardin's dorm window wasn't open so he couldn't eavesdrop off on them while they talked.

"So kiddo, how are you cooperating with all of this?"

"Huh? Oh well, I'm just trying my best."

"Like always."


The two chuckled. They really didn't know what made them chuckle though. Maybe it was just this whole situation that made them laugh. Who knows?

"Well, then you'll be good."


"Just try your best. I won't say that trying your best will make everything better all the time. But it's better than nothing, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh. Don't worry! I'm always combat-ready!"

Ruby said as she put her hand up to the side of her forehead and giggled. Older Ruby looked at her younger self do so and smiled.

They soon started to talk about all sorts of things they could share without its information probably causing some major changes in the future. They mostly talked about weapons and cookies. And yes, that was about it.

And suddenly, younger Ruby jumped from her spot as if she just remembered something so important.

"Right, I wanted to ask. Did Weiss really, uh-"

"Marry me and take after my last name? Yes."


"Unexpected, isn't it?"

"Uh-huh. She's an Ice Queen! I mean, she's nice! But she's cold!"

Ruby said as she flapped her arms in the air and older Ruby laughed as she exactly knew what her younger self was trying to say.

"Wait, but were you guys supposed to be telling us any of these? I thought you said..."

"Well, actually, no. We were NOT supposed to be telling you any of these. Nor be confirming you with what we said."

"But you just-..."

"Well, it's already kind of too late for secrets, don't you think?"

"Well... Yea."

"And I don't really see a problem as long as I don't tell you anything else."


"Actually, no. There surely will be problems but what's done is already done."

Younger Ruby laughed nervously. She seemed a little... No. REALLY careless. She didn't think she was THIS careless right now. So how she became so carefree in the future?

"Umm... Well, aren't you worried?"


"I don't know, for anything?"

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