Chapter 10 - WhiteRose

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The four came back to the room only to find that both Rubys were already in the room as well.

"You guys are slow."

"Ah shut up."

Chapter 10

The two Rubys used their semblance to quickly get back in the dorm room where Weiss' were waiting. 

"That was quick. You only texted me about three minutes ago."

Weiss said as she checked the time on her scroll. 

"Forgot about my semblance?"

"... Right."

Then it was silence. An awkward atmosphere filled the room. Sure Ruby was a talkative girl in front of her friends. She was energetic and hyper, but it was just the situation that didn't let her be the same as always. I mean, what was she supposed to talk about when there was another one of her and two Weiss' in the room? Especially with no Yang to fool around with?

"Ah... This is awkward."

Younger Ruby squeaked quietly. She just couldn't handle such an awkward situation. Others just laughed as they agreed to Ruby. And it seemed as older Ruby decided to start a talk so she could break this awkward atmosphere in the room. She took a chair near her partner and sat. Younger Ruby also dragged a chair to where the others were all sitting and joined the circle.

"So Princess, how was your talk with... well, yourself?"

Older Ruby asked.

"It was okay. I kind of got to think back to this time of my life."

"Memories drifting back, ey?"

"Guess so. How was your talk?"

"It was good. I don't know what those two feel about our talk though."

Older Ruby said as she gestured towards their younger selves.

"Eh, it was fine. I thought it was pretty fun and everything. How about you Weiss?"

Younger Ruby answered as she scratched the back of her head. She really didn't think the talk was bad or anything. 

"I can say that it wasn't so bad."

"You're so not honest."

"Shut up you dolt."

"Is that the fourth time she called me a dolt today?"

"She called you a dolt twice while you guys were gone. So that'd be the sixth time altogether."

Older Weiss giggled which only made her younger self's face turn red out of rage and embarrassment. 

"Why are you guys even keeping track of it?!"

"Because you seem to like that word? I even have a book for keeping track of how many times you called me a dolt. By the way, Blake helps me write this."

Younger Ruby suddenly stood up, went to her desk, and grabbed a small notebook. She flipped through the pages and started to read,

"On October 17th you called me a dolt nine times, on November 2nd, you called me a dolt five times, and oh look, you broke the record on May 21st. You called me a dolt seventeen times. Oh, and I gotta write this down. July 14th, six times."

Ruby smiled as she closed the book and put it away. She came back to the circle and sat back down on her chair with a smile. 

"Ah yes, I remember that notebook."

Older Ruby said with a laugh but only got a death glare from both of the Weiss'.

"... I did not know you owned something like that."

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