Chapter 6 - Ice Queens

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"I think we should go back now."

"Oh, is that so?"

Two Blakes stood up as they were still on top of the branches, and started to head back into Beacon Academy quietly like a pair of cats.

Chapter 6

Younger Weiss sat on her bed, exhausted from what had just happened. Her older self smiled as everyone else left the room, and sat beside her younger self by the bed. Younger Weiss looked extremely uncomfortable and she shifted a little farther away from her older self. She really didn't want to get involved in any other crazy conversation right now. She desperately needed some rest.

"So, Weiss."

But unfortunately, older Weiss tried to start a conversation with her younger self.

"Since now that we're all alone, and that I am you anyways, let's be a little more honest."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Don't you have a crush on Ruby?"

"Wh-What?! What are you talking about!? I do not have a crush on that dolt!"

"Huh, is that so? That's weird. I thought I had a crush on Ruby when Vytal Festival came around."

Older Weiss hummed in confusion.

"I do remember having a crush on Neptune, but I thought that didn't really last long..."

Now older Weiss was trying to figure out where her memory got wrong from.

"Are you sure you don't have a crush on Ruby?"

Weiss faced her older self's puzzled expression. She tried to deny it once more, but only gave in as she knew that she had no use in trying to lie to herself.

"... Ugh, Fine! I do have a crush on Ruby."

"Just what I thought."

Older Weiss smirked as she looked down at her self. Was I always so dishonest back then? She thought to herself but made sure that she didn't say it out loud since she didn't want her younger self to yell again. 

"Why would you deny it so badly?"

"Because Ruby-she is such a dolt! She's like a little kid! She needs cream and five sugars in her coffee, eats chocolate chip cookies for a meal, and can't stay up late studying without falling asleep! Sure, I accepted her as our leader, but-but-this is different!!"

Weiss stood up as she shouted but soon sat back down with a huff.

"You know, Weiss... You talk as if you're annoyed with her-"

"I am!"

"But you know such little details about her."

"I-urgh! Just what happened to me?! Did you hurt your head? Just what in the World of Remnant is-"

Older Weiss laughed at the scene. Gosh, she was so like a little kid back then. 

"Ah come on, she's a dolt, but not a bad one."

Younger Weiss looked up to herself in shock. She really didn't know how to respond to her older self. 

"She does get a little childlike sometimes, but it's not as bad as you make it sound. And I know that you think the same."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well... Because I am you?"


"Look, Weiss, I know there is just too much information given to you all at once. And it might be a little difficult processing it all at once. But it really doesn't matter to you at the moment."

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