1; 𝙤𝙧𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚

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"remember, before dinner." wonwoo whispered, eyes on whatever he's writing. the orphan beside him nods, and shares a glance with the person across him at their table.

the plan was tonight. wonwoo thought it was a fool-proof plan, because this time, they're using their powers. no jumping off windows, no silly excuses, no acting, no disguises.

by far, this is wonwoo's favorite plan. the guards and nuns may have their eyes on the three troublemaking orphans, but they're not strong enough to stop them.

"you guys can't just... talk about running away in front of me and not expect me to join." chan, the fourth person on table 6 mumbled. he had eavesdropped on wonwoo's ingenious plan. "please let me join! i have abilities like you, too!"

"it was your fault for sitting with us." wonwoo ran a hand through his hair.

"w-what?! it's my fault that i don't want to hang out with the allies of the demon?! you guys won't wanna hang out with them, too!" chan pointed to the screaming children in disbelief. "please, let me join!"

"i thought you wanted to be an office worker?" the orphan beside wonwoo smirks, leaning on the chair he sat on. he crosses his arms before continuing. "you're just saying that so we would let you join."

"jeonghan-hyung, i swear i won't be a burden! i can look after myself!" chan protested, his fists slammed on the table. the person beside him scoffs, so chan turns his attention to the grumpy teen. "s-sorry."

"you're delusional. you don't have an ability like us," the grumpy teen, also known as jihoon, stops writing. "and without an ability, you can't join our escape plan. you'll get caught easily."

"y-yes, it might not be useful when fighting people, but i will be useful if i fight people with abilities!" chan's leg bounced, as he pouted. "jeonghan-hyung's ability is useless too!"

"i'm not useless, you—" jeonghan cuts himself off with a gasp, eyes widened. he should control himself. "there's a little possibility that we're going to come across people with an ability. look, you don't have to join. you kinda belong to the orphanage unlike us, and you have a dream—"

"no! no! i want to join! pleeeeaaaaase!" chan pleaded, reaching across the table to hold jeonghan's hands.

"sorry, you lost all your chance. you called my ability useless." jeonghan pouts childishly and huffs, making chan frustrated. "have fun jerking off in your room tonight!"

how did jeonghan know that? "b-but—i will do well! i'm sorry for calling your ability useless! i will not do anything dumb! i promise!"

"ugh. just let him join," jihoon crossed his legs, glaring at chan. chan smiles at jihoon, which made the older scoff. "oh, please. i'm considering because your nagging is getting annoying."

jeonghan slips his hands out of chan's grasp. "don't touch me. you said my ability is useless."

chan chuckled, scratching his nape while mumbling an apology. "sorry. so? will you let me join?"

"answer me pleeeeaaaase! please! please! please!"

"wonwoo-hyung! please let me join!"

"jihoonie-hyung! let me joiiiin please!"

"i'm sorry jeonghan-hyung! let me join!"

"let me jooooiin!"


"before dinner. meet us in front of room 13, you can't be late, got it?" wonwoo says, leaving the table. jeonghan winks at a delighted chan. chan might've been annoying to wonwoo, too, so maybe he came to the same decision as jihoon.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now