13; 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙫𝙚

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"i was trying to avoid you."

"i was trying to avoid the conversation." junhui answered, but minghao just turned to leave. usually, junhui wouldn't call for minghao since junhui thought that minghao would only turn around, scream at him and leave.

but this time, junhui stopped minghao. what is this, a kdrama? hand grab? really, junhui? the taller thought, after grasping minghao's wrist. "can i ask you something?" minghao doesn't answer, turning around to face junhui. junhui takes this as permission to talk. "why do you hate me?"

minghao laughs, as junhui's grasp on his wrist loosened in surprise. junhui didn't know why he laughed, and he was confused. "you finally asked why."

"it's beyond my understanding. i don't get how sometimes we're in good terms, sometimes we're the normal duo that always bickers, and sometimes you just shut me off."

"it's not beyond your understanding. it's pretty simple." minghao sighed, crossing his arms. "you're....you're cool. your ability is great, you're better than me, that's why i hate you."

junhui didn't expect the answer that he was given. in fact, it only made this while situation more confusing. why would you hate someone who you think is cool? junhui shot minghao a confused look before minghao continued.

"when we first met, our underboss made us pair up for our first mission. we were youngsters at the time, so we were awkward and you were too quiet. i thought i was better than you, but when you basically did everything in our mission, you got all the praise from our underboss and all the commendations. while me? i tried fighting with you, but i only got a back injury. they said, while training me, i was the best secret weapon that they had. but when you came along, i wasn't. i was ready to prove that i was the best one, but i was wrong, they were right. you were the best." minghao grunted after his last sentence, expressing his resentment.

"but m-minghao!" junhui shut his eyes tight, annoyed at what minghao just said. "you're the one who's cool!" junhui's hands turned into fists, his lips pursed tightly while his eyes were shut in anticipation.

"i'm not, junhui. you stole all the praise and all the attention from me, and i hate you for that—but can i blame them? you're the best. even i know that."

"minghao, you're cool but i don't hate you!" junhui exclaimed. "i like you because you're keeping me on the ground! i like you because you're the first friend i made, though you insulted me always! i like you, because you took me out of my shell! i like you, because watching you being in control of your power helped me be in control of the red demon! i like you because you always stick with me though you hate me!"

minghao only gave junhui a subtle smile, before speaking. "okay." then minghao left.

finally, a morning without an anime opening blasting from the speakers on the hallway. jihoon stretched, not bothering to put on his fuzzy slippers. he walks outside and goes directly to the elevator.

jihoon came to a sight of a normal morning, the members swarming the kitchen for breakfast while the others chatted while eating cereals or granola bars. "oh! shrimpy!" soonyoung called, making jihoon roll his eyes. jihoon walked to where soonyoung sat, where next to him, an empty bowl was waiting.

"rolling your eyes too early in the morning will destroy your day." soonyoung pointed to the empty seat beside him. "eat up! we're going to do something today!"

"what, a mission again?!" jihoon asked, grumpily grabbing the cereal.

"we're going to update our profiles!" soonyoung said. jihoon snorted, finding how low soonyoung's happiness was. but hey, he doesn't judge! "well, we can't change any of our information, we're just adding you in."

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now