72; 𝙘𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙚𝙫𝙚

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"where's yuju? she doesn't want to join?" vernon asks the person in the reindeer costume, who was seokmin. "i understand if she doesn't though."

"she ditched us for her office's christmas party," seokmin dabbed a fake tear. "but she gave me my gift already earlier." seokmin winks at vernon, which vernon gagged at. he knew what seokmin meant.

seokmin and vernon were sitting on the couch, looking at the other members who were playing trip to jerusalem. as they speak, junhui and mingyu is eliminated from the game.

"ok, so what are ya'll talking about?" asked mingyu, stroking his fake santa beard while taking a seat. "any tea?"

"nope." seokmin pouts. "what did you get for the exchange gift thing? who?!" seokmin diverts the topic, seemingly more enthusiastic. he didn't like talking about yuju, he's lovesick. and they just saw each other 2 hours ago.

"i got jihoon. i don't know if he'll like what i got him though! it's not anything helpful.. but.. whatever." mingyu anxiously bit his bottom lip. "who did you get?"


mingyu glared at seokmin, before vernon answered. "he got seungkwan."

"I WIN!" seungcheol exclaims, sitting on the last chair on the middle while displaying a smug look on his face. wonwoo, being the one defeated by seungcheol, didn't care at all.

"that's because your butt is literally a watermelon." chan replies, rubbing his poor hip. seungcheol had used his butt to kick off chan from a chair, and it hurt. like, literally, not when you just came from the bedroom.

ugh! no dirty thoughts!

"you a hoe. bitch. you bitch." minghao points to seungcheol angrily, using a chicken drumstick. "thank god i'm hungry or else i would've bulldozed you off the chair." minghao's statement was followed by laughs.

"ALRIGHT LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" seungkwan raised his plate full of chocolate cake. "less dirty, okay? let's start from the leader! truth or dare?" seungkwan points to seungcheol using his fork.

"truth, bitch!" seungcheol yells.

"who's your favorite partner?" seungkwan smiled mischievously. even though he knows that this question might cause an argument later, he still asked seungcheol nonetheless. "come on, no hard feelings! it's me, right?"

"what are you talking about, seungkwan? it's me. he likes my katanas a lot."

"i think you should step back, because i'm the one that he's going to pick because of my muscles."

"no, it's me! right coups? i saved him!"

"no. i'm the best member and partner everyone could ask for!"

"hmm... nothing specific, you didn't say partner in work." seungcheol nods to chan. "i pick chan. he's the best partner i've ever gotten, while babysitting jinha." chan lowers his head as the room fills with coos.

"since chan was picked, chan is next! truth or dare?" seungkwan stood in front of chan, and chan sighed.


"chug two bottles of beer!" and chan did it. he was tricked. those two bottles of beer was mixed with a much harder liquor. in no time, the poor maknae was drunk.

the truth or dare game continues on. as a round passes, one member is undressed, one member is confessing their secrets desires, one member gets poisoned by vernon and had to hold it in for ten minutes, one member was forced to kiss chan's liquor flavored mouth.
the last round was the spiciest one yet.

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