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jia-er smirked at chan once minghao was done blasting fire on his face. "hello, what a bold child!" he smirks, and uses his other hand to choke chan.

"j-jinha..." chan mumbled subconsciously, watching jinha shiver, tears streaming on her face. chan reminded himself that he shouldn't be crying right now, jia-er was still in front of him. "you! let go of jinha!"

"mama!" jinha exclaimed, wanting to go to chan's arms. her safe place.

the mafia president was still processing as to why his ability is not working on chan. and then he laughs. "you can negate abilities, huh?" he tightens his grip on chan's neck. "hello, new seventeen member! i'm wang jia-er, but you can call me jackson wang. whatever works."

"let go of jinha!" chan looks at jia-er, whose smile was unfaltering, and nefarious. he shakes his head. "you lost! most of your company is already dead, you think you'd win alone?"

"yes." he answers, full of ego and pride. "but, if i can't use jinha, you can't use her too!" jia-er exclaimed, and let go of chan's neck. chan immediately got on his stance, ready for whatever attack may come.

"we're not using jinha for anything, we're trying to protect her from guys like you!" chan shoved a finger in jia-er's face. "you, why are you using her for your glory? she's just a kid!"

"so you'll support us if we get our glory another way?" jia-er raised an eyebrow, and at the same time, he grabs a gun from behind. "jinha, don't you like me?"

"i-i hate you, do—" jinha was cut off by a loud gunshot, followed by jinha's scream. "m-mama!"

chan's eyes widen as jia-er lets go of jinha. chan catches her, looking at the horrible blood stain on her chest. chan blamed himself for not acting sooner. "jin—jinha! NO!" chan desperately tried to cover jinha's wound, while minghao blasted fire on jia-er's face again.

"'til next time, boys!" jia-er laughs, and flees somewhere far. the three didn't care about him for now, they needed to come to jinha's aid.

"chan, come on, let's go. jinha will die if we stay here. don't go to seventeen's base, though, she will only die faster!" minghao says, taking junhui's arm before slinging it around his shoulders.

"w-what ab—"

"i'll take care of junhui, you go now!" minghao yells, automatically making chan nod.

"o-okay, hyung!" chan said, running away from the wareouse. he gives jinha one glance, before speeding up. "mama's going to save you, alright?"

"i just can't get this right!" seokmin yells over the phone. "time is running out, get in here faster!"

on the other line, joshua sighed. "i texted wonwoo. if he saw it, he should be on his way to the eighth floor, hang on." joshua hung up, and seokmin shoved his phone inside his pocket.

"would he even bother checking his phone?! everyone's busy down there!" seokmin sighed, wiping his sweat away. he'd been trying to figure out this paralyzer thing that joshua made, but was still not finished.

seokmin was kind of a techie, but this weapon was too complex for seokmin's range of knowledge. he could ask minseok, but minseok already left, 4 minutes and 31 seconds before pledis came to attack! this is hopeless, would wonwoo ever come!?

"i recieved the text." seokmin jumps in surprise as the elevator dings, wonwoo walks out of the elevator. he walked very weirdly, though—was it because he was badlt injured? how would anybody be badly injured when jeonghan's near? "what's up?"

"this paralyzer thing is not working." seokmin steps aside for wonwoo to see. wonwoo nods upon seeing the device, almost suddenly. was he that smart? "you figured it out?"

"yes, the wires are loosely connected."

"so i need to unscrew thirteen of these?! we don't have time!" seokmin exclaimed, but wonwoo was stoic. seokmin sighed, taking the screw from a table and started unscrewing the first paralyzer gun.

wonwoo watched, while checking his gun load. seokmin kept on unscrewing, glancing at wonwoo once. he stares back at the gun once he notices wonwoo lifting his head to watch seokmin.

this motherfucker. seokmin thought, summoning a katana and placing it right next to wonwoo's neck without looking. "so, you're kyun, right?" seokmin asked, turning around. "bad acting."

wonwoo's appearance changed, turning into a brand new person that seokmin had only seen once. black hair, pointy nose, stoic expression. "indeed. i must fight you now, you saw through my plan." kyun aims his gun.

seokmin summons another katana, and swings it wherever kyun shoots to defect the bullets. he finished one mag, and seokmin thought it was finished—until he grabbed another gun from inside his coat. seokmin continued deflecting the guns using his katanas.

after a while, seokmin got bored. i want some fun! this fight is boring! seokmin sighed and rolled his eyes, not finding kyun worthy of his time and energy. he still has a paralyzer gun to make. and that activity takes a lot of energy and patience, seokmin didn't like losing most of those on kyun.

"okay, i give up. shoot me." seokmin sat on the floor, cross legged. he waited for kyun to make a move. "if you get killed though, it's not my fault!"

kyun didn't make any remark, he just aimed for seokmin's head and shoots.

okay, it's here. seokmin cackled, staring straight at the bullet, and threw a katana on it. to kyun's surprise, the bullet was split in half—but he marveled too much about seokmin's skills that he miscalculated everything. the katana wasn't going for the bullet, it was going for him.

kyun soon was on the floor, bleeding out. seokmin stared at him and pulled out the katana from his body, making him wince. "wonwoo is not a bossy ass, mind you. die then." seokmin walks back to the workplace and tries to figure out the gun—when someone entered the eighth floor again.

"what?!" seokmin yelled, expecting another incompetent pledis mafia member. but, there was seungcheol. "thank goodness! help me! i suck at this!"

seungcheol spoke, "no need." he smiled, making seokmin furrow his eyebrows in confusion.

"why, did you guys defeat them already?" seokmin asked.

"yes, there were two who got away, though. the rest that are knocked down are sent to the correctional rehabilitation center." seungcheol said. "but, jinha got into an accident, and.."

seokmin's eyes widened. "jinha?! who did it?! where's jinha, did minghao and the others save her? i need to see her!" seungcheol stared at seokmin. "...a-and..? is she dead?"

"it's mingyu."

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