35; 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓼𝔀𝓪𝓷 (𝓹𝓪𝓼𝓽)

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3 years ago

B O O  S E U N G K W A N

i was scared out of my wits. the three people i am with are crazy, definitely crazy. one, who was venomous, was holding my hand as we ran away from base. one was running at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of fire behind us. one was an unusually quiet one, who lived with a demon—whose parents i killed.

this might not be the best time, but i told him about his parents. "junhui...i—your parents—!" i cut myself off to breathe. junhui glanced at me and gave me a little smile.

woah! he never smiled. should i be scared, or should i be happy that he smiled at me? "i know, boss told me about it. it's not your fault, i forgive you."


"if you don't focus on running, seungkwan, i'm turning my ability on!" vernon shouts at me, and gives me a quick glance. i feel electricity, somehow, when he glanced at me. maybe because i was scared?

"i hear mori's voice!" minghao says, making a sharp left to yeunghwo street. we follow him, of course, even if we know that seventeen's base is in that street. we may have successfully escaped from pledis, but we won't be safe in seventeen's hands. "fuck, fuck, fuck, we're near sevente—"

"what are you guys doing here?" an unknown voice inquires. the four of us turn around to a guy who was incredibly tall. even taller than junhui. "you're from pledis, right? tell me now if you're going to attack." he was holding something inside his pocket. i knew it would be something dangerous.

no, fuck! i'm bad at fighting!

i feel vernon tugging on my hand, before he steered me to the right. i was now behind him, hiding. it's as if he read my mind, that he knew that i wanted to hide. anyway, minghao and the others were negotiating with the tall guy so i don't need to butt in.

yeah, surprising for someone who's in a mafia, right? i can't fight. heck, i can't even run as fast as my colleagues, nor load a gun. and that's why they call me black swan.

i was different among others, but i was just as important as them. all i know is to lounge around, drink tea and read celebrity gossips, i do everything too graceful for a mafioso. and, oh! i also know how to blabber.

"well, if you prove your allegiance to us, we can take you in!" the tall guy said, surprising me. not only me, my companions, too. "come on in."

we follow him hesitantly. we could die in their base, but if pledis follows us here, pledis is in danger, too. maybe it's the best idea. should i use my ability to make sure?

i look at vernon and check for any signs of fear, i see none. not even a trace. he's good, as expected from him.

i was trembling in fear, meanwhile. reading the huge sign, 'seventeen guest house', i wondered: is this how and where we're going to end? pathetically? escaping from our supposed 'home', pledis, and then running to our enemy organization for safety? safety, what an absurd reason. would you protect your own sworn enemy?

but, once i stepped in the living room and smelled the scent of waffles wafting in the air, saw the rays of sun seeping through half closed blinds, i also wondered: is this where a new life will start? a better shelter for the four of us? a better career?

"oh!" the man i saw before in the target profiles appeared. i presumed that he was the leader, since his smile is all formal and happy. "you can join, you just need to prove yourselves. i rarely accept everyone though, so you should make a good use of this chance!"

"r-really?" vernon asks. i feel his grip tighten on my hand, probably out of happiness. the man with the formal smile laughs and nods at vernon.

vernon suddenly looked at me, and smiled. his eyes disappeared, and his gums showed. it was quite a sight, really. a person who always gnarled at everyone smiling too much. and, tell me: why did he look at me just to smile? because, what?

maybe it made me feel a little more calm when i thought of the idea of us joining the good side. maybe i'll be put to good use here. maybe this is the divine intervention in our lives. the hope. the light.

the problem with happy people showing the light to people like us four, is that we get blinded by it easily. that when we finally see the light, we think that there's no more darkness in our life.

joining seventeen might be the light. but, we still need to understand that being here will not always be sunshine and rainbows.

pledis mafia arrived not sooner. minghao, vernon and junhui were ready to fight, but instead the two seventeen members shielded us. the pledis members, especially mori, looked confused.

the tall guy used it as an advantage. he writes things on his notebook, and it turns to... it turned to guns!

"hey, the four of you! junhui, vernon, minghao, seungkwan! we know you're here!" mori, the caporegime of pledis mafia, shouts. i wonder why they can't see us, when we're literally in front of them. maybe it's someone's ability? the leader's, maybe?

the leader then looked back at someone in the corner of the room. he laughs again. "good job, joshua!" i look back as well, to see the 'joshua' guy for myself.

he was a fairly built guy, with brown hair that suited him well. he seemed like he was unarmed. so, he can make illusions?

the tall guy was targeted by mori. i was about to pull the tall guy away, but minghao fished out his nunchucks and set it on fire. he used it to hit mori on the face. surprisingly, we still can't be seen, so minghao was in an advantage.

did minghao just protect someone that he didn't know?

while minghao and the tall guy fought pledis, the leader looked back at the three of us with a little smile. "guys, you're in! welcome to seventeen armed forces!"

in conclusion: that day that we entered seventeen, was the best day of our lives.

a/n: i honestly like seungkwan's character development :3

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