61; 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨

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"for real bro?" vernon asks chan. "you sure you're not regretting this at all? it looks like a wig. honestly." he points at his friend's hair, which was now in an awful shade of orange that made him distinguishable within a two kilometre radius.

"i judged it wrongly. it looks like i'm a highlighter." chan says, brushing his bangs down to see the color for himself. "i'll just bleach it again."

"your hair will get damaged, you know." seungkwan says. the boy had a very nice head of hair so he shared some tips. "just let it be, it will fade in time."

"i don't—!"

"HEY I HAVE THE OUTFITS YOU ASKED FOR!" minghao enters the living room, wheeling in a whole wardrobe. the members were interested, and in no time, they were crowding around minghao.

"woaaaaahhhh are these your clothes, minghao?" jeonghan picked up a shimmering suit. slutty. i like it. "where did you buy them?!"

"hey, those aren't my clothes." minghao huffed. "these are out of my aesthetic." minghao poses, and the members cringe at him. minghao scoffed. unsupportive bitches.

"okay okay sit down!" seungcheol says. the chatters of seventeen lowered down in volume, as they backed away from minghao. "i'm going to tell you about the plan. it's going to happen at a party."

"so that explains the clothes!" mingyu says. "do i get to pick mine?! there's a waiter's uniform in there and i want to wear it. it's one size smaller and it would look great on me."

"moving on," seungcheol says, making the others laugh. mingyu joined in soon as well. "the party is called 'the governor's dinner'. they invite famous people and such, like the met gala in usa. but, pledis mafia infiltrated the party, and turned it into a drug dealing event. they're going to secretly exchange money and drugs between their clients, and this may be our chance to know where the president is."

"clients?! so there are stars that are affiliated with pledis mafia?!" seungkwan sighed. "i have to get all the tea."

"nope, seungkwan, you are going to be the bartender." seungcheol says, and seungkwan makes a face of disbelief. "the hotel where the party's location is, has a bar upstairs. and that's where the ability users of pledis mafia would be, the higher ups that will be controlling everything. with joshua's help, your appearance will be altered to this person, the original bartender. you get this job because you know pledis mafia quite well, and you're chatty so you can squeeze info out of them." seungcheol hands seungkwan a file folder, and his bartender outfit.

"your ass would look good on that." vernon whispered, making seungkwan giggle. the other members never heard what it was about, so they could only sigh in oblivion.

"thanks. i can do this, even though i wish i was with the popular people." seungkwan comments.

"speaking of popular, seokmin's back at the spotlight as dokyeom. he recently guested at king of the masked singer and got to the third round," seungcheol threw seokmin a silky suit that looked like an idol's clothing. "so seokmin got invited to the governor's dinner. you find out who the clients are to apprehend them later." seokmin nods, and quickly wears the coat to check if it suits.

"wow! that's amazing! i didn't see him on masked singer, though, i have to check!" soonyoung says. "i'm a supportive friend!" and jihoon snorted.

"okay, you, soonyoung? you get this." seungcheol throws soonyoung a waiter's uniform. "you're going to be a waiter so you can interact with all the guests, and have a piece of their mind to find out who are clients of pledis, like what seokmin's doing."

"nice." soonyoung and seungcheol do a quick handshake before seungcheol checked his phone and opened the notes app. he continued discussing the plan.

"i'm a bouncer, by the way. i'm going to watch who's getting in and out, so i can give you tips, since my ability isn't really ideal for this operation. chan and vernon, you're going to the bar."

"cool! what're we doing?" chan and vernon high fived.

"you two are going to be assassins. find a way to be in the bar without pledis noticing, and just shoot them when something goes wrong. if you miss, though, you have abilities. use it." seungcheol explains. "you can do it! seungkwan's not going to be able to fight a group alone."

chan's jaw dropped. "without them n-noticing...." he trailed off. "and an assassin?! they'll know that i'm there! they're like... superhumans!"

"so are you, chan." seungcheol smiled. whenever chan was feeling doubtful, seungcheol always knew what to say. what a great person. "okay, you can wear anything you want."

"can i wear slippers?"

"no, jihoon, you're going to be one of the party organisers so you can control whatever ruckus there might be if things get nasty in the event. you get the king's view of everything." seungcheol throws jihoon an all-black suit. "and, wear dress shoes. no slippers."

"ooh, king's view. trying to lure me that my role's fun, huh?" and then seventeen laughed at jihoon.

jihoon and soonyoung looked at each other, as if saying 'i'll see you soon after the mission is over', even though they're still together at the time. "alright, whatever."

"wonwoo, you're going to pretend as one of pledis mafia's lackeys. the pledis mafia lackeys are recognized by the clients as the ones with the black painted ring finger nail, you're working with soonyoung. keep close, so when someone asks for drugs, soonyoung can control their minds and you don't have to use violence which will make a fuss. you can talk through the earpiece." seungcheol throws wonwoo a suit, and a bottle of nail polish.

"mingyu, you're going as a guest. we added in your name and minghao's, junhui's, jeonghan's and joshua's on the guestlist illegally, so no need to fret. i'm sure everyone would gush over you since you're very handsome, almost like an idol," seungcheol says, and mingyu blushed as he kept on talking. "you're going to confiscate as much drugs as you can, then replace it with a replica of the drugs. i know you can do it without adequate time, and even unnoticed! hwaiting! wear whatever you want!"

"thanks." mingyu grinned, and pretended to examine the suit. his head will get bigger thanks to those compliments, for sure.

"minghao, junhui, for sure, something's going to go violent sooner. you're going to attend the party as guests, and just fight when that time comes. you know pledis well, you should be able to read their moves." seungcheol says. "choose your own suits. minghao would probably go extra."

"ooh, you know it." minghao smirked, making seungcheol sigh. everybody laughed.

"okay, joshua and jeonghan, for our special number," seungcheol picks the outfit that jeonghan remarked as 'slutty' earlier, and a suit that had gucci's logo on every piece. "you get to attend the party. but, like, you're going to be like... harley and joker, you know? make a scene, but not too big. be loud, take everyone's attention. that way, the innocent people involved will be oblivious to the actual operation going on."

jeonghan gasped, as his eyes sparkled. "joshuji! you get to be my daddy!" and that made everyone laugh. joshua facepalmed, but he can't erase the smile on his face. "oh, you've always been. don't worry," jeonghan winks.

"my god."

"this is the most sexual thing i have ever seen live."

"what the FRICK?!"

"i'm bad at acting. i'm usually not like... i don't have that joker kind of personality." joshua rephrases his sentence midway.

"ah, i can act that way, but joshuji..." jeonghan held up the shimmery suit. "i like this. and i want you to be my daddy!"

junhui cleared his throat, placed two arched hands beside the corners of his lips, and shouts: "KINKY!" and everyone laughs. they're taking this too lightly, but whatever, seungkwan had already assured their luck.

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