58; 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙮

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"wow, ya'll are having a study session?" minghao looks at the people who occupied the library at the ninth floor: chan, jihoon, jeonghan, wonwoo, joshua and seungcheol. "let me guess, joshua's the teacher."

"i am too!" seungcheol pouts, raising his hand. "i give him his notebooks and stuff like that.."

"you don't look like you're helping. when i came in, you were laughing while everyone else looked bothered by some question that joshua threw at them." minghao exposed seungcheol, and seungcheol shuts up. joshua laughs.

"minghao-hyung!" chan exclaimed, standing from his seat to cling on to minghao's arm. poor guy, his arm might break if chan kept on doing this. "help me!"

"i'm not allowed to." minghao burns chan's skin a little, making the poor kid let go of the skinny man. "what're you guys studying anyway?"

wonwoo spoke. "i'm studying machines, chan's studying math, jeonghan's studying the circulatory system, and jihoon's studying trigonometry."

minghao had always been amazed of joshua—but teaching four students different subjects? not to mention using different teaching techniques to cope with all of them at once? joshua outdone himself. "that's crazy. by the way, kid, go back to studying." minghao looked at chan, who laid on the floor, unmoving.

chan lifts his head up suddenly. "there are other people here. i can sense it." seungcheol laughed. he didn't know why that reason was so not wily.

"chan, that's a desperate reason!" seungcheol dragged chan from his position. acclaiming that chan would whine when seungcheol did that, wonwoo froze when chan made no sound at all. wonwoo drops his pen. "come on, stand up!"

"hey, channie, we're doing this together! no ditching!" jeonghan said, unaware that chan's not lying. "who're the people that you sensed, huh? assassins?"

as if on cue, two gunshots were heard. chan stood up immediately. "see!" he says, hiding under the table. seungcheol turns his ability on, then hundreds of gunshots follow.

"fuck, we're gonna die!" jihoon said, hiding under the table. he can't control all the bullets, he doesn't know how many there are! what if he misses one and someone gets hit?

"ah, you know what the flaws are in your attacks?" wonwoo stood up, the risk of getting hit gets higher. "you don't know what you're going to face, because well, you didn't study your opponents well." wonwoo raised a hand, tilting it a little. then, the bullets that were heading to the seventeen members slowed down.

he was placing gravitational forces to the directions where the bullets came from, so they're slowing down—and all of the bullets backfire to the ones who originally fired the guns when the gravitational forces got stronger. wonwoo's actions were followed by the sound of bodies falling. it was wonwoo's first time of killing. and it had to be several people at once.

when joshua realized what wonwoo was doing, he makes an illusion so the seventeen members can't be seen.

"wonwoo!" jeonghan steps out of the illusion's area coverage, all of a sudden—only for the other members to understand when they saw a hooded figure lurking behind. that figure held a gun, aiming at wonwoo.

jeonghan cussed. "fuck!"

the bullet that jeonghan tried to take for wonwoo? well, now it's planted in wonwoo's head. "hey!" jihoon exclaimed, using his telekenesis to make the unconscious boy get in the coverage of joshua's illusion. "minghao, help me get wonwoo to the 6th floor. jeonghan looks like he's going to face this guy first, so we need to help wonwoo for the meantime. shua-hyung, give us a favor, yes?"


joshua nods. "go on, jihoon. seungcheol, let's stay here and intervene after—you needed to give me a signal!" joshua hastily makes an illusion so the three who just left won't be seen. "seungcheol, let's make a plan."


"heroic, just for your friend, huh?" the person who shot wonwoo takes his hood off, and smiles at jeonghan. jeonghan's teeth grinded, making a little sound as he glared at the man. "well, you should've saved him first."

"i can save him later." jeonghan crossed his arms, looking directly at the bloodshot eyes of the unknown man. "i'll kill you first!"

"oh, no, i can kill you first." he runs a hand through his platinum blonde hair that reached his shoulders; seemingly beautiful. "don't you know my ability?"

"why would i care about you?"

the man ignores the comment. "i'm hyungwon chae. i'm in one of the upperclassmen in pledis mafia's society, because i have killed a lot of people." hyungwon aimed the gun that he held on jeonghan's head. "i can turn any people i killed into my slaves. when they die, i can put them back to life and they'll always obey me."

fuck. he should've saved wonwoo here and now, even in front of hyungwon who'll surely shoot them; because jeonghan can cover wonwoo so he doesn't get hit while getting healed. wonwoo is a very poweful being, and it being used against seventeen? no.

"shoot that gun, i'm telling you." hyungwon doesn't spare a second, and shoots jeonghan on the head. jeonghan smirked. "done?" jeonghan asked, pulling out the bullet from the hole that it made. the wound closes up. hyungwon, despite being surprised, laughs and shrugs.

"i'll just have you as my entertainer for a few minutes, then when your friend dies," hyungwon shrugs again. "he'll be my slave. poor thing! he focused on my other minions, looking left and right, and in front of him—but not behind him. where i emerged. where the most powerful being in the room was standing."

wonwoo can't die. jeonghan pondered, glaring at hyungwon who just smiled at him. what if jeonghan made his way to save wonwoo now? then wonwoo going against seventeen could be prevented!

joshua and seungcheol can't handle hyungwon. they may dodge his attacks, yes, but they won't be able to get close to hyungwon and counter-attack. the percentage of their risk of dying rises.

i have to use it. jeonghan closes his eyes, mustering courage and power—before he opens it and smiles softly at hyungwon. his gaze that he uses only for the people he cares about landed on hyungwon.

as if he was some kind of magical being, jeonghan elevates. body relaxed, chin up, he was elegant in a way that did not involve too much movement. his body starts glowing, eyes closed. not too soon, the glow that jeonghan was emitting turned brighter. he was shining, sparkling, glimmering, twinkling. jeonghan doesn't speak, and stays that way.

to hyungwon, it was confusing. he thought that jeonghan's ability was to heal people, so what's this flashy move? a distraction for the others to make a move? hyungwon tried shooting jeonghan out of frustration, but the bullet was deflected. "what are you?!" he grumbled.

"fucking hell." seungcheol stared at jeonghan in awe. "minghao is a fraud, jeonghan is the real sailormoon." he looks at joshua for confirmation, but joshua was still shell shocked at this jeonghan. is this still jeonghan, even?

what was he doing? nobody knew. it's confusing, but it was beautiful. joshua saw jeonghan a little more differently now, thanks to this event. not just because of the stunt he's doing right now, but also because he showed how deeply he cared for wonwoo.

not just for wonwoo, joshua thought. if jeonghan left to go to wonwoo, he and seungcheol would be up to face a hard challenge. he also cared for us.

but anyway, joshua didn't ponder any longer, because this jeonghan would only last for today and he doesn't want to miss all of it.

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now