65; 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙩𝙚𝙖?

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"i'm fucking telling you, just climb up here." seungkwan whisper-shouts over the earpiece, making chan quiver even more. "you have your knives, right?! hurry! mori and the gang's coming!"

"but how will we enter?!" vernon protested. "wait, cha—! hey, boo, he's climbing up. i'm going to climb now as well, so make sure you have a plan when we get up to the eleventh floor."

"oh, of course i do." seungkwan immediately clears his throat when mori enters, some of the pledis mafia members following behind. "they're here." before anything, let seungkwan explain the mafiosos' backgrounds in the bar first.

the leader goes by the name mori, his real name was never revealed. he's about thirty five and his mouth has no brakes. he rants everywhere and anywhere, without a pause. his ability is his voice; he can raise his volume up to a certain decibel that can destroy the universe.

the young man with the lollipop is named lee jiryeok. he has an unhealthy obsession with candies, ever since he was brought in pledis. he originally doesn't have an ability, but he's in pledis for his top tier driving skills. he's sort of a getaway driver.

the man in his mid-20s with the undercut is named jishin. he's a playboy, and his ability is very helpful for that hobby of his(if you call sex a hobby, that is). he can paralyze people with simple contact.

these three men are the three pillars that help jia-er hold up pledis mafia. if you see them in action, you'd be amazed and enchanted, but when you find out how dirty their work is? you'll probably run away in fear.

jia-er's probably nearby. seungkwan muttered to himself. "good morning, sirs. what can i get you?" seungkwan diverted his attention to his former workmates, changing his pitch a little.

"martinis for the two of us, and juice for this kid right here." mori spoke. jiryeok growls at mori, saying something along the lines of 'i'm twenty, old hag!'

"as you wish." seungkwan turns to make drinks for the three of them, silently worrying for himself and for his teammates. will this plan work?

"we'll succeed." seungkwan whispered, using his ability. luckily, he was not heard, since the loud conversation of mori and jiryeok drowned out seungkwan's voice. seungkwan seized the opportunity and pressed onto his earpiece. "hey, where the fuck are you two?"

"we're right outside the window, to your west 304 degrees. help us get in!" vernon replied. seungkwan placed the drinks that pledis mafia ordered on the bar, before he stole a glance at his west. vernon and chan were there, waving at him.

vernon looked impatient and itched to kill, while chan was shaking and he would probably drop from that height anytime now. seungkwan wanted to laugh. seungkwan prepared for his stunt.

"so, the king's still on the run?" jishin asked, gulping down his martini in one go. seungkwan's eyes widened—is he going to get information this easily? "one more please, same drink." jishin sweetly smiled at seungkwan and seungkwan poured martini on his glass.

seungkwan clandestinely showed vernon and chan his palm, because if seungkwan does his stunt now, he'll not be able to hear the information. vernon took the hint and explained it to chan.

"of course. seventeen's a pain in the arse, right?" mori looked at his phone, tapping away. "he's just in hotels."

"hotel hopping? i envy him. i want to chill too." jiryeok pouts, playing with his (stolen) car keys. he claims he's twenty, but he's still as childish as ever. "i don't want to do this drug work! it's boring!"

"this is why you're rich, jiryeok. because you do this work." mori replied. "by the way, have we got any—"

mori gets cut off when seungkwan simultaneously dropped glass wines. mori, jiryeok and jishin looked at him in unison. seungkwan chuckled nervously. "just a little accident."

"want me to help you, love?" jishin winked. seungkwan shook his head and smiled.

"no need."

little did the three know, that not only the wine glasses were breaking. a certain window from seungkwan's west, 304 degrees broke as well.

"hey, aren't you okay touching all of those broken shards of glass?" jishin asked again, jumping to the other side of the bar. seungkwan stepped away immediately, as jishin's moves were completely readable. jishin was already suspicious of seungkwan.

fuck, a fight? this early? seungkwan cussed internally. "it's alright, i can do it. it's my job after all."

"sure?" jishin stood up. "alright then."

"jiryeok, you fuckass, you stole jia-er's car!" mori's eyes widen as he realizes that the car keys that jiryeok was playing with is jia-er's. "he's going to be mad at you."

"not really, i just called him and he said it's okay. so i technically didn't steal it." jiryeok smirks, waving his phone in front of everyone.

seungkwan eyes the two other seventeen members hiding. if they get jia-er's number, they can trace it and they can find where he is. but how?! seungkwan but his lip. this was the biggest and easiest chance to grab.

seungkwan's little panic episode went away when he looked at vernon, though; he looks determined, and that means that he has a plan.

"prepare yourselves, we're about to go to battle." vernon says through the earpiece. chan looks at vernon and nods, while seungkwan was ready to destroy the illusion. "alright!"

vernon crawls to where jiryeok is, and touches his ankle. when jiryeok collapses and vernon got his phone, the two members who were previously hiding stood up. vernon pressed on his earpiece. "hey fuckers, listen carefully. trace this phone number."

seungkwan destroys the illusion on him, and immediately, two guns were pointed at the 'bartender'. courtesy of jishin. "go on, try, but you won't be able to shoot me." seungkwan smiled at jishin. "you know what my ability is, right?"

"nice meeting you again, black swan." mori says, walking to chan. "and hansol! who's this new one?" mori points his gun to chan's head.

jishin jumps over to the other side of the bar, jumping on seungkwan. "your ability will not work on me. besides, you think we're the ones who're important to bring down right now? the other seventeen members know jia-er's number. they're surely on their way to jia-er's location now. pick, your boss, or you waste time with us?"

chan's sinister smile was shown for the very first time. "you're the ones who did soooooooooo many bad things, right? your boss even used jinha, our precious jinha. i think you deserve to die."

vernon looks back to glance at chan. jinha means a lot to him, huh? this is good. get angry. get fired up. vernon's train of thoughts get interrupted when someone spoke through the earpiece.

"joshuji figured out the location! we're going now!" it was jeonghan. "my gosh! he let me join! toodles!"

vernon smirked. "we're winning."

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now