41; 𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚

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"hey, jeonghan?" joshua creaked out, walking in the men's bathroom. joshua remembers that jeonghan got in the third cubicle, so joshua knocks on the third cubicle door. "jeonghan?"

the door opened and a laughing jeonghan is revealed before joshua. joshua facepalmed. he didn't heal himself yet; the belladonna is getting to him and he's just high. "joooooooshuuuuujiiiiiiii!!!" jeonghan exclaimed, clinging to joshua immediately. joshua can't push him away, of course.

"jeonghan, let's get you home, alright? more side effects will get to you soon, so it's better if we go home now." joshua holds jeonghan's hand, leading him outside the cubicle. joshua kept on holding jeonghan's hand until they were out of the restroom.

"hey, are you suuuuure? joshuji? reaaaally sure that you want to gooooo? i saw a unicorn a while agoooo! in the bathroooom!" jeonghan pointed to the bathroom drowsily. when joshua shook his head, jeonghan pouted. "aaaaawwwww! i wanted to staaaayyy with mr. unicooornnnn! joshujiii, you're meeeaaaan!"

"why didn't you heal yourself?" joshua asks, pulling jeonghan out the restaurant. joshua glanced at gumi's table for a second, to find no trace of her. "jeonghan, i thought—jeonghan, no!" joshua changes his sentence when jeonghan ran back for the 'unicorn' inside the restaurant, but joshua got dragged along because he was holding jeonghan's hand.

oh. he was holding jeonghan's hand? joshua got a little off track when he realized that, but he got back to his senses soon after. he dragged jeonghan out again.

"joshuuuujiiii you're so mean!" jeonghan stomped three times, and his facial expression did not look good. like he was about to throw a tantrum. a tantrum from jeonghan is the last thing that joshua wanted to deal with right now. "oh, look! there's a penguin!" jeonghan suddenly gushed, letting go of joshua's hand. he crouches down and pets the 'penguin'.

joshua wondered how he'll get jeonghan home. "joshuuujiiiii come look at the penguin!" joshua looks at the imaginary penguin and smiles forcibly.

"jeonghan, come on, let's get you home now. please, there are more penguins and unicorns in seventeen's base. play in there." joshua said, making jeonghan jump up and hug joshua.

well, yes, jeonghan was high, but it doesn't exempt jeonghan from making joshua feel like there are butterflies in his stomach. good thing, though, jeonghan won't really care if joshua blushed. "you're the very very most bestest person i've ever meeeet, joshuji!"

because of the sloppy hug, joshua's ear was pressed to jeonghan's chest. he can clearly hear jeonghan's heart beating irregularly—but joshua stayed there, despite knowing that irregular heartbeats are another side effect of taking belladonna; and that he must get immediate help for jeonghan now.

joshua liked being embraced by jeonghan. hearing his heart beating irregularly. being offered jeonghan's warmth and protection from the world. smelling the subtle scent of jeonghan's body mist, while slowly wrapping his arms around jeonghan to return the hug back. "y-yeah. you're the very very most bestest person for me, too, jeonghan."

jeonghan pulled away, making joshua feel a little lonely without jeonghan's embrace. "really, joshujiiiiii?! yay! yay! yay!" jeonghan jumped around.

"okay, okay, that's enough. let's get you home." joshua offered his hand, which jeonghan took. the two walked together in the parking lot, finding joshua's car while jeonghan made unecessary comments. however, while they were in the car, jeonghan kept on playing with the window, which annoyed joshua.

when they arrived, mingyu and jihoon were the ones who met them in the first floor. "JIHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN!"

"huh?" jeonghan asked, before pinching mingyu's cheeks. "you loooooook cute! you're essentially tall for a puppy, though! and you talk!"

𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now