42; 𝙨𝙖𝙞𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣

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it was a fine day. all the members weren't so busy. all of them were huddled up in the living room, watching sailormoon on the tv.

"i wonder if we can somehow make something like the wand that sailormoon holds." wonwoo placed his hand atop his head. "this is highly illogical, but it looks so pleasing to the eye that i want to believe it."

wonwoo's teammates laugh at his statement. "i like sailormoon too, but i think that's impossible." vernon states. "what is our final form and costume then?"

"i have an idea." minghao stood up from his spot on the couch, soonyoung quickly puts his legs on minghao's spot since it was more comfortable. minghao runs to the elevator, meanwhile.

"is he really going to make that wand thing?" jeonghan asked, shaking his head. "i never knew he was an intellectual."

"he's not." junhui opposes. the members made sure to keep the laughter down since minghao was still in the first floor. "by the way, did you know what park gumi's true motives were?" junhui turned to joshua.

"she wanted the archetype version of sands of time. i don't know why, though. she also put poison in my drink, you know, because she knows that i will reject her proposal. and when the poison kicks in, she will be all like 'give me sands of time or else i won't help you and you're doing to die.' or something correlating to that." joshua states, clicking something on his phone.

"and she didn't expect jeonghan-hyung, so her plan failed!" chan exclaimed, making everytone gush and screech. though it may be ncie of jeonghan for taking the poison, joshua can't help but wonder: it seems like they like the idea of one of jeonghan and joshua dying. god, they live for so much angst.

"how did you get her to back away, anyway? what did you tell her?!" jihoon asked.

"he's so immersed." seungcheol commented.

"i came from the bathroom, where i left jeonghan. jeonghan said he would heal himself but he didn't—whatever, i went to gumi's table and made her feel for one of the guns inside my coat and i threatened her life."

"wow, you'd go that far, joshuji!" jeonghan clung to joshua, but he was not as forceful as before. "i really love my joooshuujiiiiii!"

before anyone could react, minghao burts out of the elevator and runs in front of everyone. to seventeen's horror.

"MOON POWER BITCH!" minghao cackled, raising up the 'wand' that he was holding. chan, seokmin, seungkwan and seokmin were the ones who laughed too loud while everyone else was processing what's happening.

minghao was wearing a full sailor moon costume, but with a fishnet. the 'wand' that he was holding was made of the archetype version of sands of time and a stick, taped together look like a wand. joshua wanted to bury himself alive when he saw it, but wonwoo was rather intrigued.

"MAKE UP!" minghao continued, imitating sailor moon's poses when transforming. it looked ridiculous, so everyone took pictures and videos of minghao doing his thing while laughing. "i'm so fucking pretty."

seungcheol took the wand from minghao and played with it. minghao twirled in his outfit, meanwhile. "what if i can make this work, i—"

soonyoung stole the wand from seungcheol and touched sands of time. it glows blue, freaking joshua out. "FREAKY! IT'S ON, I'M GOING TO BE SAILOR MERCURY!"

"BULLSHIT LET ME TOUCH IT!" mingyu stands up and joins in, holding the wand by the orb and waves it around.

"NO! WE'RE GOING TO CHANGE ABILITIES AT THIS RATE!" joshua panics, standing up as he sees sands of time turn green. "LET GO!" joshua tried to grab for the 'wand', and gets it—but it turns blue.

"WHO ARE YOU, JOSHUJI? I'M SAILOR MARS!" jeonghan grabs the wand and makes gracious poses. joshua gives up.

"SAILOR JUPITER, MAKE UP!" seokmin grabbed the wand and did some of his prettiest sailor moon poses.

"okay." seungcheol sighed, ruffling his already messy hair. the sailormoon transformations earlier were too much. "so that version of sands of time only makes you exchange abilities. but that takes about five minutes before the abilities are all in the object, and we kept on tossing it around for about an hour. so... as you know by now, you have abilities that aren't yours."

"i can control mingyu's ability so well!" soonyoung says, writing on a notebook. the page he wrote on became a shrimp. he throws it to jihoon playfully before continuing, "this ability exchange thing is so good. we should do it more often!"

jihoon, who recieved the uncooked shrimp, gave soonyoung the middle finger.

junhui, who was sitting on the floor, raised his hand. "i can't control your ability. when i tried to sit on the chair, i fell straight to the floor. thank god the meeting room is in the first floor." junhui says. "i suggest we fix it right now."

"i'm trying to figure out a faster way. why did you even meddle with sands of time? look what happened! i can walk on ceilings now!" joshua says, crossing his arms. he twirls in the swivel chair.

"but joshua, that's kinda coo—"

"BUT that's not the priority right now." seungcheol cuts seungkwan off, standing up from his seat. "our informant said that there's another huge scam from pledis mafia, and i wanted to give it to minghao since the best plan to beat them is through fire. but the last minute, we decided to turn into sailor moon and company so i'm giving it to wonwoo."

"i need details." wonwoo looked directly at seungcheol.

"they're going to build an 'entertainment company' and the building is almost done. that entertainment company is going to be the same scheme as fukuro mafia pulled off: training them as idols for a front, but turning them into members and guards if they deem worthy. our informant only found about it now, to be honest, so it got this far." seungcheol's gaze lands on all the people in the meeting room as he spoke. he delivers presentations well.

"so you're asking him to burn the building?!" jihoon asked, summoning a katana to chop the shrimp that soonyoung gave him. seokmin's ability was easy to manipulate. "i thought seventeen only played nice?"

"nope, seventeen is very balanced. half sides on the play nice, half sides on the play dirty; so our plans are good." minghao replied, making himself float. "jihoon's ability suits my theme today very well! look!" minghao turns in the air, his mini skirt twirling around, his hair dancing in the wind. yes, he's still in his sailormoon costume.

"i agree." wonwoo nods subtly. "what's the plan?"


btw the exciting parts of this story is abt to come ;))

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