Quotes and conversations

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If this is good then I'll do another but not if you don't ask (ask for more and I'll give you more).
And something else I stole this idea from Georgia_May06 it was so funny in her book I just had to steel the idea.
Hero=my dad (Jeff Tracy)
Idiot=my twin older siblings more accurately Gordon and Georgina Tracy
-Alan abut the twins
Yeh I love the youngest 5 and all but I still wish Virgil & Virgo were  the youngest
-Jeff after the terrible teens set a glitter bomb to explode when he sits at his desk!
Thunderbird 2 is COVERD IN PINK GLITER!!! TWINS!!!!
-Virgil after the twins coved TB2 in Sophie's pink glitter paint.
Georgie, into the hiding spot now
-Gordon after previous quote
Yeah your average human would call me insane but I call it special!
Do you mean hanging upside down like a bat then trying to get down with out using your hands?
Let's talk abut home life then have you got any siblings?
Yes I have siblings, 13 of them we've got my dad, Smother rooster, smother  hen, three  ginger aliens, a truffle, a devil, a Kungfu master, two blonde squids, another two aliens then myself and a dog whisperer.
Ok well that's you done miss Tracy same time next week?
*Sophie walks out the room*
Hi Gordon Tracy.
Er wrong room next one!
Nah my twin sister is in there.
Not again I don't have the sanity!
My dad says that a lot!
-Sophie and Gordon with the same therapist
What possessed you to do that?
Er a dare
Your grounded for the week because I haven't got the sanity to yell at for it.
Ok c ay!
Bey dad!
Right recover some sanity then start the paper work
-Jeff after the twins spray painted TB2 pink and drowned TB1 in Scott's hair gel!
I go out to do a weekly supply run and I get back to see this mess your lucky I came up before Scott or dad because you 5 would be dead!!
-Virgil after arriving on Tracy island with supplies for the week to see the living room in a mess and the youngest five standing there so innocently like they did nothing!!!
You touch Thunderbird Mimic you will die!
-Sophie after arriving at school and landing on the playground.
Hi yes it's Jeff Tracy, can I speak to any one of my children?
Sure can you hold?
Er not really I mean it's kid of an emergency.
Ok just a minute.
But I
*annoying music begins to play*
I'll just try their communicators
*Jeff hangs up*
-Jeff trying to contact the triplets to say that their needed in space for a rescue.
Hi yes I need a baby sitter for about two and a half hours
Ok and how many children?
my youngest 5
Er for that amount of children we will need to get 3 childminders for you
Ok thank you they will have help from my oldest 6 but I can't promise that at all times.
Ok they'll be at your house in just under an hour is that ok?
Yeah plenty of time.
(An hour later)
My colleagues couldn't make it but I'm hear
Good I've got half an hour before I need to leave so plenty of time
Let's meat the little darlings then
You won't be calling them that at the end of this trust me
Trust me
Sophie get down from the light shade, Gordon but the knife down, Adam camera away, Georgina why would you even try hanging of Sophie's hair you will just brake her neck Alan don't slap Gordon he has a knife
Er I just remembered that I need to be somewhere bey!
But I need you too- never mind Sophia Tracy get down this minute
-Jeff trying to get a baby sitter for the terrible teens when they were 5!
I stole this from Georgia_May06 so if u want it X2 as funny check her out!

Virge Can u pass me the salt?
*Virgil picks up Gordon*
I'm not offended as long as I'm carried
No not Gordon, that's too much salt
*Virgil puts Gordon down and picks up Georgina*
No not Georgina I want the mild stuff
Virgil just pass Scott the actual salt instead of the terror twins
Oh you want the food salt not the human salt ok now I get it!
-Scott asking for salt at the dinner table
Don't read the next part if u don't climb because you won't get it and i can't be bothered to. So don't ask!
It's a 9b
You will not get to the top with out falling at least once!
How much u gonna bet?
Ok then
*Sophie Speed climbs it in 5.4 seconds*
Adam you owe me £15 and I will collect
- Adam b-laying Sophie
C ay people
also professorsnape_2006 you can kill me now but I'm going on a walk and I'm leaving my phone at home and won't c u until tomorrow morning so say what u like alien bitch!
For everyone else that was a joke between us on WhatsApp so don't ask!
Bey peeps :) -Mayhem😈

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