A Fallen $tar: Coma the white

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Waking up to bright white light in my eyes, and an oxygyn mask. I felt that sweet fame feeling for a second, quickly the blissful feeling of morphine overtook it. What day was it, where was I? something I also wondered was if I had reincarnated into a fifety seven year old black man, with stage four cancer, or something along those lines.

Someone grasped my hand. I looked over with a groggy expression I'm sure. To gaze deeply into Twiggy's chocolate brown eyes, eyes that were filled with question, and fear. Tears, and sorrow. As soon as our old eyes met though, I saw that gawky but oh so cheerful look reappear. My eyes filled with tears as well while he rushed to embrace me. It was like the times before drugs, and alcohol. Before complications. Just that raw friendship, that bare love we had.

I gasped for breath between every laugh and weep. Squeezing my eyes shut over and over while telling myself it wasn't real. But it was. I hadn't comprehended something so simple in forever and a day. All these memories I had simply forgotten about seemed to flood back into my mind. None of friends, none of concerts, none of trips, none of wives. I just started to remember all those moments alone with him. Where we would sit and talk for hours, these were all the memories that i figured would be forgotten within a day. I was convinced for sometime that they were. But now, now I knew, that this is what life is. That this was what my life was all about. Twiggy and I were meant to be best friends forever, and as sappy as that seemed, I really didn't care.

"Please don't leave, please don't leave me alone." My voice was pubescent almost as I choked on every word.

"I won't, not ever again, Marilyn. Not ever again. We're gonna make it through this, and we're gonna spend the rest of our lives living like we're supposed to Manson- we're going to live it right, and we're gonna live it together!" His voice cracked just as mine, but more and more with each word.

We hugged eachother for what seemed hours, slowly rocking back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. Until we both dozed off with wet eyelashes and stuffy noses.

"Mr. manson?" Mine and Twiggy's head both jerked up as the nurses voice emerged into the room.

"Yes?..." I could see the look in her eyes that she just didn't, understand mine and twiggy's friendship. Probably thought i was gay and she was now worried about me spreading aids everywhere.

"You can leave now." her face was stuck in the same judgmenta state.

"Thankyou." Twiggy said as he slid off of me and stretched.

He helped me out of bed, handed me some new clothes to change into, since my others were soaked in blood. After paying the hospital bill, we went and got something to eat. I pulled out my chair and sat down.

"So, what made you come back?" my eyes followed Twiggy, as he proceeded to sit as well. i felt very lethargic.

"Well, i thought that maybe-" he paused a second, while playing with a crumb on the table. "maybe you were ready to, pick this thing that we call our life, back up again." the leather of his jacket squeaked, his arms crossed and that chill smirk came across his face. It seemed as if dreads flowed from his head again.

I laughed "You know, you still act like him. But instead Jeordie, you've got straight hair hanging from your head." I looked away, wondering if he would still bitch at me like the little brat he was.

Jeordie stared unrelenting. I got nervous and had nothing to sip so as to divert my attention. "I mean, it's not even that mane you used to have" I shrugged my shoulders with a chuckle. He couldn't help but laugh too.

there it was again, that deja vu moment. "I really did miss you buddy..."

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